View Full Version : central heating on all night

03-03-09, 08:53
Hiya, wasn't sure what forum to post this under but here goes... My hubby needs to have to central heating on all night for his asthma. I don't mind in he depths of winter but now its warming up a bit, I turn it down a bit before bed. He then comes up after me, when I get up before him, I look at the thremostat & he has turned it up to ful whack again before bed. I keep waking up with a dry throat, headaches & waking up in a sweat & feeling dizzy. This of course fuels my anxiety. I woke up this morning, bearing in mind, I have only just finished a course of antibiotics for tonsilitis & my throat is still killing me. I know he can manage on the heating being a bit lower cos I have turned it down before now & he hasn't noticed & slept fine with no problems with his asthma. Does anyone have any soultions on how we can both have a good nights sleep & does anyone else sleep with the heating on all night & feel worse for it in the morning??

03-03-09, 09:08
I would have thought that having the heating on al night was worse for asthma as it dries the air out and surely that would aggrevate the condition.

I have asthma - well it is under control with inhalers and I don't think I would have it on all night.

Is this something that he has been told to do and does it get worse if he turns it off?

Maybe you could have a fan on you to keep you cool as well.

03-03-09, 11:36
Hi there,
I kind of had a similar-ish problem with my wife and my solution was quite drastic.
As I suffer with anxiety, my wifes insistence to sleep with a fan on in our room because she gets hot, coupled with her terrible snoring :D , all added up to sleepless nights for me.
This was adding to my anxiety levels as I felt my sleep patterns were being disturbed.
The solution.....we stopped sleeping together ! I moved into a spare room and have enjoyed the benefits of a good nights rest since then.
It did feel a little drastic but at the end of the day as long as we both get the sleep we need, it solves the problem.
Maybe you could try the same and just switch off the radiator in the room you sleep in.


03-03-09, 12:39
Hi cheekycharlie
I would have thought too that the heating would make his asthma worse because of the dry heat. I couldnt bear that heat all night it would make me feel ill.
I agrree with krog because i have same problems with my husband he does my head in snoring and hes always really hot to lie beside he makes me sweat. So im working on the seperate rooms idea myself as it does seem to be an answer.
Can he not put an extra quilt on the bed if hes cold?
Good luck with it hun

03-03-09, 16:30
Hi all, thanks for your sugesstions. I know what you are saying about the dry air with the heating on all night,I have said that to him but he says if the air is too cold then it makes him wheezy. In the summer we have the fan on all night (which you would think would be too cold???) & that makes my throat really dry too & makes me feel sick. I have told him to go to the docs to see about the problem but he won't go. Says nothing is wrong. The spare bedroom sounds like a good idea but thing is we don't have one! & I don't fancy sleeping on the sofa for the rest of my life! Thanks for all your sugesstions though, made me feel like I am not over reacting or being daft about it. Glad to know people understand. :) Thanks again all. xxx P.s I might just start being sneeky & turning it off without him knowing ;)

03-03-09, 20:37
Nic is right. I have asthma and can't bear to sleep in a hot bedroom, I can't breath properly and have to open the window.

I would definatley sneakily turn it right down. Besides that, your heating bill will be a fortune!


04-03-09, 08:11
update, heating was off last night & he didn't wake up all wheezy. Hope he doesn't find out!

angel 2
04-03-09, 08:17
Hi cheekycharlie
Tell him how much it's costing him and then see what happens !!

04-03-09, 10:53
Good for you cheeky.....but i was a bit concerned you said you hope he doesnt find out? dont be scared to do it hun its your home too and after all hes being selfish expecting you to sleep like that especially when its making you feel ill with a dry throat etc. Just shows though he never even noticed it was off:)

04-03-09, 16:05
Hi Lesley, no am not scared. just meant hope he doesn't find out cos I can't be bothered with the earache! you know how men like to moan when they are wrong?! lol Thanks for being concerned though. He knows how much its costing, he pays the bills! Men eh?? why the heck do we put up with them? lol :)

04-03-09, 16:07
Just goes to show, its in their head. My mum went thru a phase with my dad & he said he had to use head & shoulders shampoo otherwise anything else made his head itch but she wanted to buy supermarket own cos it was cheaper but he wouldn't have it & said it was rubbish so she started buying supermarket own & putting it in a head and shoulders bottle! lol he never notice the difference. hehehe.

16-03-09, 05:34
Lol.......nice one