View Full Version : Why cant I just calm down!

03-03-09, 11:45
Do any of you find if you have something coming up in a few days/ a week you work yourself into such a stress and come up with every possible worst case scenario?!
I'm getting so frustrated at myself.
I have a hospital appointment to see an ENT on monday, and i'm already panicking myself about it. Im a doctor phobic which is probaly mostly the reason, i've convinced myself there going to tell me half the stuff wrong with me i'm going to be stuck with, i've convinced myself there going to be asking for loads of tests, when all i'm going about is an ear. Im worried about the journey too, I have M.E and i'm just completely knackered with everything at the moment and dont cope too well on long journeys, so i'm coming up with a million scenarios about that too.
I just feel like i'm driving everyone mad, I no for a fact after my appointment i'l be calm again, I hope anyway! I've beaten anxiety and panic attacks a few times over the past 7years, i've gone through months and even a year of not having a panic attack, but its just creeped back again the past few months with problems I've been having. I KNOW I will get through it again, but while I feel like this its just so horrible, I feel like i'm driving my boyfriend crazy with my worrying, I just want this appointment over with, but at the same time I want to bottle out. Im suffering from tinnitus after ear infections and I really dont want to hear that i'm going to be stuck with it permenantly.

I just hate feeling so anxious. :weep: I cant stop crying over the stupidest things. I keep trying to rationalise all the stupid scenarios I'm coming up with but I just cant seem to convince myself. I get quite panicky when I'm not feeling well when i'm travelling somewhere, especially in lots of traffic, and typically the day im due at the hospital theres road works starting. Luckily I have the 1st appointment of the day though so there shouldnt be that much waiting around!

But yeah...does anybody else go through the same kind of thing where they know they have to do something and stress themselves out for days before?! I feel ridiculous, my boyfriend keeps telling me this time next week i'l be laughing again, which is nearly always the case! But the more worked up I get the more I start worrying i'm going insane..and it turns into a viscious circle! I wouldnt really class myself as depressed, I seem to go in and out of fazes, its more anxiety!

03-03-09, 11:56
When I am in the middle of an anxious period I fret about everything !
Even the most insignificant of things take up all of my thought processes.
As an example, I have to take my computer in for repair on Friday and it is bugging me so much. How can such a trivial task create so much anxiety?
The only positive side to this is that when my anxious period passes I will look back and laugh at how daft I was :blush:
Anyway, I hope you manage to cope and good luck with your appointment. You know it will all be okay and so just try and keep that in your mind :)


03-03-09, 17:09
i understand - I am the same - dentist appts, doctors etc i get so worked up i am panicking weeks before the event! xx wenjoy