View Full Version : ha sky high today

03-03-09, 12:06
well yesterday went for a assesment to see what help i could actually get but its still a waiting game with that, anyway my dad rings me last night to see how id got on bless him he is 82,and told me he has got to have a stint put in im so worried cos of his age and they cant do it at our local hospital which is 5 mins away ,he will have to go to john radcliffe which is about 40 miles away from us , how the hell am i gonig to get there i dont go out ive got a phobia of hospitals also, but my dad needs me i feel so selfish and in tatters over this what if something happens to him and i cant get there cos of my stupid health anxiety agrophobia and depression :weep:

03-03-09, 20:10
Oh dear I understand your fear. I feel the same way and don't like hospitals, but when i am actually there i feel ok, as I feel safe surrounded by docs and nurses, also you can watch other people (not the ill ones) it takes my mind of where i am.