View Full Version : Black mole UPDATE

03-03-09, 12:24
hi all,

posted a thread few weeks ago about a blackmole i have just below my left nipple.i went to a MOLEclinic wer they took pictures and all that stuff they do and she told me not to worry is looks normal,now i have my results back and they have put

Diagnosis : Dysplastic nevus ?? now i have typed this in on ggole and all i can seem to find is that these DO turn into cancer:weep: .i have my biopsy appointment tomorrow and i am worried sick with wots going to happen,plus i ahve gotta wait 2 weeks or so for the results which i aint gunna but able to cope with!!!

also they have put 'this is probably a atypical nevus' ??
and they also said my melanoma risk is above average ??:weep:

i have been doing so weel with my aniexty now all this had to happen which had but me back to square one :mad: any commets wud be helpful

03-03-09, 12:34
hi all,

posted a thread few weeks ago about a blackmole i have just below my left nipple.i went to a MOLEclinic wer they took pictures and all that stuff they do and she told me not to worry is looks normal,now i have my results back and they have put

Diagnosis : Dysplastic nevus ?? now i have typed this in on ggole and all i can seem to find is that these DO turn into cancer:weep: .i have my biopsy appointment tomorrow and i am worried sick with wots going to happen,plus i ahve gotta wait 2 weeks or so for the results which i aint gunna but able to cope with!!!

also they have put 'this is probably a atypical nevus' ??
and they also said my melanoma risk is above average ??:weep:

i have been doing so weel with my anxiety now all this had to happen which had but me back to square one :mad: any comments wud be helpful

I have been looking on many sites about this but nowhere have I read that they DO turn into cancer as you stated.

03-03-09, 12:42
Whatever you look for in Google you will find. If you had typed in harmless Dysplastic Nervus you would get page after page.