View Full Version : Help, not sure what is happening to me

03-03-09, 12:51

Where do I start... My girlfriend of 2years, who I have not spent a night away from in that time, had to leave England and return home to Thailand. She was on a student visa, I am not able to see her again, as I am not in a position to support her and get a visa as I am not currently employed..

Anyway, since leaving her at the airport last a saturday I have been a mess, it started with fits of crying, non stop and uncontrollable. But I now have the following symtoms which seem to be getting worse daily

A buzzing running through my head.
Tightness in Chest
Stomach feels like its doing sommersaults, and unable to eat.
getting shakes
Feeling of total panic and scared 24/7
My mind is not in my control, i have thoughts 24/7 of the woman I love and that i do not know how to get us back together.

I cannot function at all, I have tried to spend time with family and friends, but all of my symtoms are still there, its even worse when i get home. I tend to leave my home early and just come home at midnight to try and sleep.

I went to see a doctor who told me there is not much that could be done, just advised exercise and prescribed Propranolol (Beta Blockers), he said that will take the edge off, but I have noticed no difference.

Having never suffered with Panic Attacks and Anxiety, I am scared I am losings my mind. How long will this last, will i have this forever or untill I am reunited with my gf.

Hope somone can help me.
