View Full Version : I googled thyroid cancer:(

03-03-09, 13:10
I know i shouldn't have done it but i couldn't help it and i found out that it can cause dizziness which i DO have:weep: I'm waiting for the results of my thyroid ultrasound to come back and i'm SOOOO scared it will show cancer:weep: I had an ultrasound of my thyroid 2yrs ago and it came back with a cyst on my thyroid, whats the chances of a cyst turning into cancer????? I hate waiting on tests! I hate dizziness! I REALLY hate health anxiety!:mad:

03-03-09, 13:44
Horrible isn't it. I suffered once, had a mark on my skin, convinced myself it was skin cancer, i had resigned myself to death. It went about a week after i noticed it.

03-03-09, 15:11
So i decided i wouldn't google again and went to another message board that i frequent often and of course i was "drawn" to the thyroid thread and a lady there said even if your test results come back "negative" you can still have thyroid cancer, thats what happened to her! So of course now i'm freaking out again:weep: Will this Never end

03-03-09, 15:50
You will always find something bad to read if you google or read other forums and I bet you looked for the worst possible scenario rather than the positive ones?

This is what HA does - it makes you search for the worst that can happen and not the best diagnosis.

I have Crohn's disease and a friend has it to and has just found out he has a cancerous tumour. That does not mean I am going to get one though does it?

Your situation is the same. You have to wait for the results and trust in them or you will spend your whole life worrying over something that will never happen.

I had dizziness for over 2 years and it was anxiety. Is yours 24x7 and even at night and all day?

03-03-09, 16:19
You will always find something bad to read if you google or read other forums and I bet you looked for the worst possible scenario rather than the positive ones?

This is what HA does - it makes you search for the worst that can happen and not the best diagnosis.

I have Crohn's disease and a friend has it to and has just found out he has a cancerous tumour. That does not mean I am going to get one though does it?

Your situation is the same. You have to wait for the results and trust in them or you will spend your whole life worrying over something that will never happen.

I had dizziness for over 2 years and it was anxiety. Is yours 24x7 and even at night and all day?

Thats me,,, spend my whole life worrying about something that may never happen:( But in my mind i will probably get it. Even if the dr tells me everythings fine, in my mind i think "he's wrong" somethings hiding and some day someone somewhere will find it and then it will be too late to do anything, I know its a pathetic existance to be this way but i can't seem to stop. I drive everyone around me crazy with the "what ifs".
My dizziness is "most" of the time, it went away for about a week then came back though, it does stay all day and evening but sometimes when i wake at night and in the morning its not there but then it always comes back:weep:

03-03-09, 16:35
Argh............I too have googled so many times, I try not to now as I know it will only add to the panic and anxiety as it's always worst case scenario it throws at you.
I'm convinced I have ovarian cancer at the moment and I know that the Dr, Google symptoms will fit in with mine and cancer I shall have, but i've not googled this time as i really don't want to feel the terror that it brings on if you know what I mean, although the urge is there it's like an addiction .
I think at some point you have to trust your doctors and test results, because what's the point of having them if you don't , after all it's so that we can put things to rest. I'm sure you will be fine but please don't google, it's so evil xx