View Full Version : does every body feel like me

24-07-05, 15:48
hi i was just wondering if it is normal to have anxiety syptoms that last all day ,i seem to feel weird all day im sure im dyind, iv been to docs 3 times he said its just anxiety ,i cant explain this weird feeling its a bit like dp ,i constantle have an overwhelming fear of oh my god im going to die any second ,if this doesnt make any sence just ignore it ,i was just wondering if this feeling was coming from being scared of dropping dead any second

24-07-05, 16:11
hi hanna

i know how u feel i had that to, it can be quite scary it will go but it will take time. Try not to let the anxiety take over as it can rule your life think positve that it will go. You won't die the fear of that can be frightening anxiety is not harmful.

I have had anxiety for 4yrs now, been anxiety free for a while now but i know it will come back but i won't let it rule me.

I hope u will feel better soon and don't worry to much there are plenty of us on here with the same problem so u are not on your own.

take care
linda xx

24-07-05, 16:15
hi Hannah,

The way you feel is very normal. I was the same when I first started suffering from anxiety - I felt like crap all day every day...it does get better after a while once you learn how to deal with the symptoms. Once thing that is sure is that you are not dying - anxiety just makes you feel that things are a lot worse than they really are..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

24-07-05, 16:57
You done very well by going to see your doctor. At least how you know there is nothing ,edicaly wrong with you. Knowing that, and accepting that are 2 very different things though. The importaint thing now is to learn to accept that there is nothing wrong with you.

24-07-05, 19:09
i felt like that when my anxiety was really bad in time it will gradualy go away and stop urself from thinking like that, i know its hard but with time and help u can.

24-07-05, 20:32
hi sweetie, i know exactly how you feel in the early years i use to feel like that looking back i dont know how i coped! i use to think i was gonna drop dead any moment i was so scared to be on my own and that i was gonna leave my kids motherless. but im here 9 years later and i think what a waste but i just couldnt stop the thoughts and it still happens now. your doctor has told you its anxiety and it proberly is[im no doc by the way] ,if you can try and get some comfort from that and remeber yeah anxiety sucks but you carnt die from it. hope this helps and feel free to pm me anytime
love michelle xxx