View Full Version : Prochlorperazine

03-03-09, 17:50
Okay so I have been to my doctor, been feeling queasy for the past 10 days, feeling sick all the time, mostly in the mornings. now barely eating and loosing weight fast

He said its anxiety, to increase my fluxetine(for OCD) and continue with my CBT. He said it would get worse and to ride it out, not worry about eating or force myself to eat.

He has now today given me prochlorperazine over the phone, now been to collect it, as I complained I am feeling physically unwell. When I went the first time I can honest say was starting to feel better OCD wise..so really was perplexed..I guess anxiety can manifest in many ways

Anyway anyone have experience with this medication??

Is it best to force myself to eat and possibly be sick..or just continue with the medication for now and keep hydrated?

Thanks in advance

03-03-09, 17:57
I had never heard of it but put the word in the search facility on here and there are 17 other posts about it so it may be worthwhile reading them.

03-03-09, 18:26
I think it's probably best to drink plenty and wait til you actually fancy food and the take it slow with a bit of toast first or a plain biscuit. The medication will hopefully allow you to feel like eating after a few days. I wouldn't force it.

03-03-09, 18:35
Yes , I suffer from uncompensated Labyrinthitis and take it when I get a bad bout of the dizzies .It's primarily an anti nausia drug,but also has anti anxiety and anti psychotic properties depending on the dosage.


Best wishes.