View Full Version : Still so worried

03-03-09, 20:54
Still really preoccupied with my health - hands keeping feeling stiff and heavy, also keep feeling off balance.
Constantly looking for signs of ms or mnd.
Feel very low, its very hard to carry on with my normal life etc. not sure how to get out of this cycle, maybe GP but im scared . I do see a therapist and she knows of my anxieties , but she doesn't seem to help...

03-03-09, 21:39
Hey there, the more you focus on any bodily symptom will make it worse, it becomes a vicious cycle. Its hard NOT to look for signs and symptoms of a disease when you have many anxiety related symptoms, we can all self diagnose and most of the time we are wrong. I have a list of anxiety related symptoms and i can give u a list of all the things i THINK i might have wrong with me. Its hard to accept that all this is anxiety related. I feel for you and send hugs.

If you are worried speak to your doctor and ask for some reassurance.

Take care x