View Full Version : New here and HIV worried

03-03-09, 21:33
Hi All. Ive been browsing your boards here for a few days and finally worked up enough to post.

I had anxiety for about 2 months when I was 13, but nothing since that. Now I am scared that I may have contracted HIV 3 years ago. I had never even thought of it until 2.5 weeks ago when I had a tiny pea sized lump in my armpit that was only sore to the touch. My GF said it could be a lymph node. So I googled it. Im sure you can guess what happened next. The lump went away in 4 days.
I was completely healthy (except for being overweight) until then. After reading the symptoms list, I have been continuously checking my mouth for any signs of thrush or spots. All I have is a white tongue, but Ive also read that anxiety can cause this. I have had mild Diarrhea now for a little over a week, but its only once a day. I also have a mild cough due to post nasal drip. I have not however gotten a fever, headache, or a sore throat, and I have not vomited. The glands in my neck and behind my ears havent been swollen either. I have not been able to sleep well at all and I wake up scared and anxious and Im unable to go back to bed. I wake up a little damp, but not drenched. I only can get 3-4 hours of sleep, and they arent together. Its an hour here, 20 minutes there. Nothing solid. When I wake up, its all I think about all day. I am constantly in the bathroom looking inside my mouth and checking my lymph nodes 20-30 times during a normal work day, especially my groin, which is now sore too. I sit for hours googling symptoms from my blackberry and havent been productive at all. When I think about it, I can hardly eat. I used to eat 3-4 large meals a day as I was 300 LBS. Now I usually eat a banana in the morning and drink water all day due to my dry mouth which gets a little red due to it. I usually can put down dinner, but not the portions I used to eat. My normal daily calorie intake went from about 3500 to 1000 (if that) I have lost 15 LBS in 2.5 weeks. When I think about all these symptoms, I get very worked up and red in the face and I feel really hot. I start thinking about my entire life and everyone in it and I almost break down and cry. I used to be known for always smiling and being cheerful and joking, but people have noticed Im much different and they keep asking my what is wrong. All I say is I dont feel very good today.

Everything in my life was going the best it has ever been before this. Now every day I feel like Im one step closer to nothing. I have no interest in anything. I come home and sit here scared, scouring for more symptoms. I dont talk to my friends, and I keep making excuses to my girlfriend as to why I cannot see her. I cant put her off forever.

Would I still be feeling this way if I had never googled the lump in my armpit and just let it go away on its own? I feel like I have every symptom.

I dont have anybody close enough to me that I can talk to about this without being extremely embarrassed. I have never felt this way in my life. I feel like Im trapped. Somebody please help me.

04-03-09, 00:10
Hello BuffaloBills - I'm sorry you're feeling so bad at the moment. From what you say, it does sound like you've got yourself into an anxiety state. I know when I had a lump under my armpit I kept checking and rechecking. I eventually plucked up the courage to see my doctor and he said it was actually all my prodding that was making the lump sore and that it was nothing to worry about.

I honestly think that by Googling your symptoms you've convinced yourself that you have this, that or the other.

If there's a reason that you think you may have contracted HIV it would be worth going to see your doctor, just to put your mind at rest. You could also explain what's going on with you, even though you will probably feel awkward, and I'm sure they'll be able to guide you in the right direction on overcoming the anxiety that you're feeling.

It's such a shame that you're backing away from your friends and your girlfriend too. I really hope you start feeling better really soon. I'm sure you'll get lots of support from nomorepanic too.

Take care,

Wendy xx

04-03-09, 00:40
go get tested, you can't run from the truth, but you may not hiv, i don't why you think you might have it.
seriously getting tested is the ONLY thing that will put your mind at rest.
if you don't have then you can stop worrying, if you do you'll eventually learn to accept it.
good luck x