View Full Version : Crohn's disease worry

03-03-09, 22:43
I’m 19 years old, I’ve posted a few times, but most probably won't know me, well I’ve had many ups and downs in the past year, having persistent chest pain, which I was convinced that was gunna kill me or lead to a heart attack.
Recently, have felt that I have got over this somewhat, feeling back to my old self, but now i am back at stage one again, I can no longer cope again, I just keep feeling like I’m gunna die, or be rushed to hospital. I have had semi-diarrhoea for ages now, and previously going to the doctors, I had a prostate exam, which found anal fissures, this was last October I think, they done stool samples that also came back positive for blood, I was recommended by one doctor to have a colonoscopy, having had an endoscopy done recently, I really didn’t like the thought of this. I saw another doctor and they said that it was probably piles or something, and that it was nothing to worry about. now since then, I have seen blood in my stool on and off for a while its usually bright red in colour, but at times can be slightly darker. I kept telling myself it was nothing to worry about, what my fissure, and also I was more concerned with my heart. now though I have noticed blood for the past few days, it is even dark red in colour at times, but this is only in the first stool i notice this in a movement. then it stops. I get like a pulsating sensation in my lower stomach when i lie down, and sometimes get pain in my upper back, and sides of my stomach. i have been feeling a bit dizzy the other week as well, and i am really tired a lot of the time at the moment, find it really hard to concentrate. I just don't really know what to do, should i go to the doctors again, I just feel terrible for neglecting this for so long, all my symptoms seem to fit with crohns disease, I have regrettably goggled,. As I often get quite hot and cold for no real reason. I’m terrified, my bowel or intestine is going to get restricted or something, and I’m gunna have to get rushed to hospital. I hate going to the doctors and hospitals, I never know what to say, and getting as prostate exam is so embarrassing, and plus I’m worried what they might say or find, if i tell them i have neglected this for so long.

I’m so sorry if this is too graphic, or difficult to read, i just wanted to be specific in the hope that someone might be able to advise, help or reassure me.

p.s I have today started a low residue diet, which has helped my symptoms a bit, but I still feel tired, and I still have this semi-diarrhoea feeling.

04-03-09, 00:27
Hiya hendey,

How are you today? I thought I'd post as you haven't received any replies yet. My daughter had similar symptoms to yours when she was around 15 or so - she used to have problems with constipation which, in turn, would tear when she eventually did manage to "go"! Also, she had piles. She would go very hot and cold for no apparent reason but the doctor said it was partly anxiety and partly because she hadn't been to the loo for so long!

I'm like you and hate going to the doctors but I think, to put your mind at rest, it would be well worth you seeing your doctor to explain what's happening at the moment. If you feel awkward describing your symptoms or are worried you might get muddled up, then just write it all down before you go - that's what I've done many a time in the past. I've felt a right twit doing it but I've listed each and every worry, and that gives the doctor a better idea. Don't worry about being told off for not going sooner - just let them know how nervous you are.

Thing is, if you don't get some reassurance, that'll keep the worry/anxiety going won't it.

I had a colonoscopy thingy done a few years back and was absolutely petrified but it turned out to be no big deal at all.

Hope you get some more replies - stay positive ;)

Wendy xxxx

04-03-09, 09:03
thanks for your reply wendy and your kind words, it means a lot, i'm feeling a bit less anxious today thankfully so far, just hope it lasts.

Unfortunately, i didn't go to the doctors today, but I'm defiantly going to go tomorrow even if it kills me.

House fan
04-03-09, 09:08
Hi Hendey

Im sorry to hear of the distress you are going through at the moment.

You are a young man and the chances of you having something seriously wrong with you are very small, however, I feel it necessary to tell you that the only way that you are going to get complete piece of mind is by returning to your GP, and arranging to have the colonoscopy done.

Some of your symptoms do indeed fit with Crohn's but there are other conditions which may be causing your distress too. When there is bright red blood in the stool, it is almost always piles, or external fissure. When there is a presence of dark red or brown blood in the stool, this has to be investigated further to find out the cause of it.

Even if your symptoms were to disappear tomorrow, you will still be anxious, wondering if there is something wrong, and every visit to the toilet will be of great anxiety to you, just in case the symptoms have returned.

I understand your anxieties, and would like to repeat that the chances of you having something seriously wrong are minimum, however, for your piece of mind if nothing else, please arrange to have the procedure done. I promise you that you will feel great piece of mind for doing so, and while it may bring it's own anxieties short term, once the colonoscopy is done, and the doctor rules any major problems out, it will allow you to get on with your life without the constant worry.

Please let us know how you get on. If you ever want to chat, don't hesitate to contact me via pm.


04-03-09, 09:20
Hi sorry ur feeling so bad, ive been going through the EXACT thing. Blood in stools, feeling hot and cold, feel like im dreaming, as if i cant really see what im looking at! I was so ill i spent 5 days in bed and havent been to work for 4 weeks now. ive been to docs and hospital so many times and none of them can really see whats wrong with me, if that many doctors dont know then i guess im kinda screwed lol!!!!
Im now left with shaking hands, adrenaline rushes and dizzy head! I think im depressed or something, i keep telling my boss ill be bk in the following week and can never face it! AM I LOSING IT? i hope u feel better soon chick, feel free to email me if u want to chat! hurry_u_fiend@hotmail.com x

04-03-09, 10:26
You should not muck about when you see blood in your stools. Go get the colonoscopy - it is no big deal. Find out what you have - even if it is Crohns, it is not life threatening. You just need to modify your eating habits and get a few supplements into you - you will be OK. It is better that you know now so you can manage it rather than let it go on. It may also be nothing and just a reaction to your anxiety - but my recommendation is go find out.

04-03-09, 12:59
I have Crohn's disease and it is easily confirmed with a sigmoidoscopy and some biopsies.

You don't need the colonoscopy as that is longer than the sigmoidoscopy in terms of prep for it etc.

You could ask for that.

06-03-09, 11:51
went to the docs today, got to have stool samples and blood done again.

i've got a fever now tho, and keep getting pulsing sensation in my leg.

just wish this would end, and i could get better.

11-03-09, 10:17
please help me, i've ruined my life, i should have sought help earlier i'm so stupid, i've got terrible back pain, feel achy all over and my stomach feels red hot. should i go to hospitial now, or ring my gp for an emergency appointment, please help someone.

11-03-09, 11:41
I think this is being made worse by your worry. Try and calm down if possible and get an appointment with your GP asap. Get the colonoscopy done and find out once and for all how you can manage this or you will make yourself worse. Can you call someone and talk to them to take your mind off things?