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04-03-09, 01:01
im a 33 yr old female im so convinced im havin an heart attack ive had all the cheks done and im fine but i cant get it out ov my head my dr as told me i suffer from panic attacks and hes put me on ciprilexs i started them on 11-2-09 wen im havin an attack i get a pain in my chest i go very hot and find it hard to swollow it can last for 20mins up to 5 hrs wen all the pain as gone i just cry my eyes out ive got a awfull sleep parten . these attacks happen for no reason it started about 6 months ago i just dont know way they started ?

04-03-09, 01:30
Hiya , welcome.Sorry to hear you are having problems.If you have a look around the forum you will see that this is pretty common with anxiety.Most likely,when you convince yourself your heart is ok,the symptoms will go away.

i hate panicking
04-03-09, 01:39
Hi joviduck,:welcome:

Mick's right it's amazing what your mind can do...i've been sure there was something wrong with me but then told myself there was nt and it slowly but surely went i suppose it's just a case of training the mind:)

04-03-09, 10:18
Hi there,

:welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice here that really helps, try not too worry as lots of folks have experienced these symptoms you are describing with their anxiety, take care xx

04-03-09, 11:05
Hi Joviduck, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

04-03-09, 17:12
I am 22 and recently started suffering from panick attacks, I didnt know what they were and thought something was seriously wrong- excatly the same as how you felt- went very hot, had pains in my chest and couldnt stand. My mum has suffered from panic attacks for 18 years, they can come on for no reason at all, it just happens unfortunately. The best thing to do I find is really concentrate your energy into telling yourself you are ok- as the more you panic- the worse it gets. Find a quiet cold place to just sit and try to relax- and drink water.

04-03-09, 21:35
Hi Joviduck
I started having panic attacks in last 6 months and anxiety. It has started for no reason and it scares me alot. The most recent symptons I have had are palpitations, tight chest, pain in left arm and going really hot. Once I get into my head I'm having a heart attack, the choking feeling comes on to and the more I think about it the worse it gets.
Went to the docs who told me I needed to chill out!! Really helpful advice for someone who is apparently suffering from anxiety. Anyway on the up side he did eventually send me to have an ecg and everything is fine.
I am trying to learn how to stay calm and breathing exercises.
If you want to chat any time about how you are feeling then I am here to help. I am very new to this site too and finding it good to talk to others.

Take care

06-03-09, 08:55
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

07-03-09, 21:55
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx