View Full Version : red spots on shoulder

04-03-09, 04:52
hey, today i noticed i had a couple of very small bright spots on my shoulder, they are not raised at all. i also have a mole or maybe a skin tag on my neck that i am freaking out about although i think i have had it many many years. any ideas? i'm really scared and upset about this coz i was starting to feel a bit better.
Please please reply ASAP
Many Thanks

04-03-09, 12:46
Don't worry about the bright red spots, I assume that they are very small, like a dot that would be left from a biro pen. Also little skin tags are perfectly normal. These sort of things increase as you get older too. I don't like to ask how old you are, but I have exactly what you are reporting and have questioned what they were when I went to the doctors and I was told it is just an age thing. Hope this helps.

04-03-09, 18:25
i'm 22

04-03-09, 21:58
hello i have them red spots on top of my back i also get skin tags and i'm 27!