View Full Version : Labyrinthiis reassurance

04-03-09, 11:50
Hey I was wondering I know the main symptoms of labyrinthitis is ringing in ears, off balance and dizzy, vertigo, feeling nauseus. I get all this but what other symptoms does it cause coz i suffer from more than them.

thank you ne1 hu replies

04-03-09, 15:55
I have had labyrinthitis more than once and it is everything you describe, but also the room spins a lot and I actually fell over/collapsed the first time it happened and was rushed to a and e. It's really scary and sometimes I have to hold onto something to stop myself dropping to the floor when it arrives suddenly. One test to find out if it is yours ears is...........
Stand upright with your feet together and eyes closed. Stretch your arms out to the sides then again in front of you. Still with your eyes firmly closed try to touch the tip of your nose with the tip of your index finger. If you miss the target then it is your ears giving you problems. You may find that your lean to one side when trying to do this. Again this indicates the ears are not balancing you when you remove your other balance organ (your eyes) .
I take stemetil sometimes when it is bad.:bighug1: