View Full Version : Feeling delicate

04-03-09, 13:59
Hi all

I'm not sure that anyone can actually help wth this but I'm feeling a bit delicate today & I guess am in need of some words of support. I hope I'm posting this in the right place?

I've got a pathetic cold but I'm also in quite a bit of pain from a pulled neck/shoulder. I'm supposed to be visiting a good friend in hospital today following the birth of her first child by caesarian. I know she could do with some company & of course I would love to see her and the new baby but I just don't don't feel I can face the 5th floor of a hospital today :weep: I've had panic attacks in hospitals before and I guess that thought is on my mind, and the way I'm feeling today I'm worried that I'll feel trapped & have to leave the hospital & then I'll feel even worse about myself :unsure:

I know I need to think about how I'm feeling & not put too much pressure on myself but I do feel guilty about not going... I know tomorrow's another day though & hopefully I'll be feeling better.


Vanilla Sky
04-03-09, 14:14
Hi MissyD, i know how you feel, but having a cold is a good enough reason to stay away from hospitals especially new born babies! If you do go say tomorrow just explain to your friend that you havent been feeling right and you can only stay a little while. That takes the pressure of straight away when you know you can leave anytime. The more you think about it sometimes the harder it gets to go, you just end up procastinating So either take the bull by the horns and just go or wait untill she comes home and go and see her then, just tell her that you didnt want to give her baby any germs. Youll be glad when you do see the baby wont you newborns are the best ! Good luck Love Paige x

04-03-09, 14:21
Thanks Paige

Yes, I know you're right about the cold anyway! My friend knew I was getting a cold earlier in the week so it won't come as a surprise to her. I do want to go & see her (& certainly not avoid the hospital because it's a 'bad' place for me!) but yes it would be better to do it when I don't have the lurgy at least :)

Thank you