View Full Version : First ever panic attack

25-07-05, 00:00

Today was the worst I have had so far. I had a panic attack completely out of the blue I had no idea what was going on.

I had decided to try and eat solid food today and started off small with mashed potato and carrots but it just wouldnt go down and I did the usual coughing and spluttering! Then about an hour later my heart started racing and I got short of breath then pins and needles spread across my face, hands and arms - I couldnt feel them and it was so scary I thought I was having a heart attack. My hands turned blueish and my mum said they had gone really cold. It just got worse and worse so after 15 mins or so my mum took me to casualty - where they were very nice and explained that a first attack can be very scary. I felt a bit silly once I had calmed down and my pins and needles went.

I still have the feeling something is stuck in my throat and once again I am going to bed hungry! Even now I am trying to tell myself to breath normally and that I am ok. I'm sorry to sound so miserable but I feel that I am getting worse rather than better - and I dont ever want to experience what I felt today! I have a barium swallow on Friday now but I am supposed to be going to India on the 2nd August and I have to start taking anti-malaria tablets this Tuesday and there is just no way I will be able to take them [Sigh...]

Helen x

"Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself" Paulo Coelho

25-07-05, 00:17
Hi Helen, I am so sorry you havent had a very good day, maybe once you have had your barium and it is OK you will be able to realise if it is anxiety, it is hard to accept that something as bad as this can be anxiety but i have been there as so many others have,
You do not sound like a misery, we are all her to help you helen.I am away for a few days but will reply to your pm when im back, please try to eat a little and stay positive, it is hard but you will get there, love Alexis,xx

25-07-05, 06:51
hey helen,
sorry you are having a rough time of it.
is there any way you could blend your food? i did that for ages - it's nasty but at least it's easy to get down and can't get stuck in your throat!
let us know how you get on,
take care,
henri x

25-07-05, 07:00
I agree with alexis.

Hope you start to feel better soon. Half the battle with anxiety is coming to terms with it, I have had depression probably since I had my twins nearly 3 years ago but was in denial as I thought that if I ignored it and got on with things it would go away - it didn't. Nearly two months ago now I had my first panic attack, I too thought that I was having a heart attack and went to the doctors to be told I was fine! The panic attacks kept coming and I was back and forward to the doctors everyday insisting that there was something really bad wrong with me so they eventually did every blood and urine test imaginable and they came back 100% clear! I then started to think that I was going mad as all my symptoms were very physical, I then asked for a second opinion and they told me that it was GAD (General Anxiety Disorder) as my panic attacks came on for what seemed no apparent reason and were very eratic. I didn't believe that this could be the cause, I mean come on I was feeling like I was dying! I started doing research into it straight away and found this site, I spoke to a few people and realised that this is whats wrong with me. Since coming to terms with the anxiety I have had only one panic attack (apparently this is not uncommon at the begining of meds) touch wood and my physical symptoms have calmed down slightly. I still feel anxiouse but because I know what it is I manage to cope. I was told from someone here that it's a vicious cycle when your anxious about being anxious and it's true. Just try telling yourself that it's anxiety and distract your self. Easier said than done I know but worth a try:D

I do hope this helps.

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

25-07-05, 07:37
Hi Helen, Im so sorry that you went through a very rough day, Don't worry you just have to keep telling yourself that you are alrite and to start to believe it Imean relly believe it and thing's will get better. Good luck in conquering panik attacks


26-07-05, 00:25
Hi Helen

Sorry it has being such a horrible day for you. I just want you to know that we are all here for you and however we can help we will. Dont forget you are not alone and we all will support you and understand how hard this is.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

27-07-05, 23:47
Hi Helen, having a bit more trouble with computer, just wondered how you were today, love Alexis

28-07-05, 01:11
hi helen
I know how you feel,
only afew months ago I had my first panic attack,
I was so scared i just panicked more,
the thing stuck in your throat, is just an anxiety lump,
my mum got that when she was about my age,
she made a big fuss over it, thought it was cancer,
It's scary i know.
It's true what your quote says cos Im scared to death of fainting
cos of one of these things, but it's never happened, and dad said
it isn't as bad as i think it will be, but i am still not sure, lol
chaz 14 xXx

"dont let the little things get you down, make the most of life"

28-07-05, 01:31
Hi everyone

Thanks for your replies, and I hope you are all ok.

I am feeling a bit better now as I have started drinking complan to give me energy which seems to be helping my frame of mind. I have my barium swallow on friday so I'm hoping that will give me some sort of closure and if nothing is wrong to start accepting that its anxiety.

I appreciate all your support and I will let you know how I get on

Helen x

"Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself, and that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams"

Paulo Coelho

28-07-05, 05:40
Hi Helen,

Some of the high nutrient diet drinks would be helpful too to get into you what you need at this time.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?