View Full Version : Paranoia ...

04-03-09, 15:38
I think one of the main reasons i really have trouble going anywhere is the feeling that everyone is looking at me and talking about me. If i walk past a group of people talking i will turn anything they say into something about me, even if i really can't tell what they are saying. And of course people could just be looking at me because im looking at them expecting them to say something, or judge me.

All in all it's now got me to a stage where i have somebody visit me weekly and bit by bit help me get out of the house.

Does anyone else suffer similiar problems?

04-03-09, 23:59
I think everyone has a tinge of paranoia.
People suffering from heightened stress will fell the paranoia increase i guess.

07-03-09, 03:48
Yeah you are not alone in this as I get really paranoid as well and especially when people start laughing which really puts me on edge thinking that they are maybe laughing at me, the way I look or that something has happened to me that I am the only one that doesn't notice! :unsure:

This is why a relaxed atmosphere is not always a good thing as people tend to laugh having a good time when they are relaxed.

07-03-09, 13:27
I suffer from really bad paranoia - but only in certain situations.

I can walk around a busy supermarket, eat in a busy pub and suffer only from very slight paranoia.

But if i'm stood in someones kitchen with 3-4plus other people I know then my paranoia gets really bad!! This is when my heart beat races out of control.

So basically I feel very on edge around people I know, which is a horrible situation because im trying to find a new circle of freinds but because of my social anxiety/paranoia im finding it almost impossible.

Been around loud drunk people is my worst nightmare - there so unpredictable, and I always think something bad will happen. eek!

15-03-09, 14:36
Hi all,

I also suffer from paranoia. I can be walking down the street, in the pub or be socialising with people in my own home and I feel like I am being stared at and judged. My counsellor has suggested I go into a public place with a friend and look to see what others are actually doing. She says I will notice that most people tend to be selfish and will be too wrapped up in what they are doing to be bothered. I think she has a point but I'm really scared to give it a go. If anyone does give it a go I'd be interested to know what they noticed.

Lots of hugs. x

10-04-09, 20:51
I often think people are going to attack me (not all the time, but its not uncommon for me to "single out" someone I'd usually think of as innocuous). I feel your pain. I don't care what they think so much as what they might do! especially if drunk..urgh awful.

14-04-09, 20:04
Laughing, looking even coughing near me would have really made me feel anxious. I am to a large extent over that stage (it lasted many years), but I can reassure you that you can and will overcome this paranoia. If I had to donate a quick tip, I would say, develop some mental barriers - a little aggression so you can shrug it off even if it affects you.

In the end though, you need to knuckle down on your self-esteem, because the higher that is, the less you care what others think about you, naturally. Self-esteem is a winner, it knocks the pants off anything else out there for treating SA and everything connected with it..

27-04-09, 16:46
Hi there, I know exactly what you mean when you say you turn everything people are saying into something about yourself. I havent been on the site for a long while now (about 2 years) and have to say I'm so so much better than I was, but I do still get paranoid at work particularly when I am stressed or tired. If I am feeling calm and relaxed I sometimes will sit back and can really see that people are in fact taking absolutely no notice of me, in the the 'paranoid state' its so horrible because it really does feel as though people are looking, laughing and talking about me. CBT taught me to look at things differently and more logically which helped tremendously. I have also learnt that when I feel like this, I put it down to stress in that moment then try and do something that I really like to do or find very relaxing that evening and treat the next day as a brand new day.

27-04-09, 17:12
Hi -I know what you're saying and I can full understand the amount of stress it causes when you feel that people are looking / talking/ laughing at you. It is so hard to get out and about when you're anticipating dealing with the people.
I found that it is easier to go to places at the low times. At my local WalMart is is easier to go there between 5-6:00pm because everyone is at home eating or commuting from work. Some places are 24 hour and the later you go the less people there is -although then I sometimes worry about security.

My sister who is very confident always says "OF course everyone is looking at me- I am HOT !"

She says she has the same proof to suport this statement as I have to support the "everyone is laughing at me" statement.

It is so challenging but everytime you venture out you are a triumph- just stepping out the day is a step in the right direction- don't stop trying. We can all overcome this-at least that is what I am telling myself!