View Full Version : attempted break-in

25-07-05, 04:38
hello everyone,
i've had the most awful night. at around half past two this morning, my boyfriend and i were in bed when we heard the most terrilbe shattering noise and the earth shaking beneath us. in our half-sleep, we thought it was a bomb. turns out someone had chucked a huge paving slab through our front window and was just about to climb in when my boyfriend ran in to the living room and scared him off.
we live in a garden flat, which is good in the sense that we heard everything and managed to stop it, but bad in the sense that i cannot calm down. i sleep next to two windows that lead out on to our garden and i'm too scared to go into the bedroom. i had to take diazepam to calm myself down (which i haven't had to do in weeks) and my heart is still racing.
i don't know what to do, i am so scared and angry and upset. as if living in london hasn't been bad enough these past few weeks, i'm now too freaked out to relax in my own home.
i'm meant to be flying to greece on tuesday - i'm going via budapest (cheaper ticket) and i'm so nervous about getting on the plane (twice) and about leaving my boyfriend at home. in terms of my anxiety, i feel i have gone back so many steps.
sorry to ramble on, i know there is nothing anyone can do to help me, i just wanted to tell someone what happened and it's still too early to call my mum!
take care everyone
henri x

25-07-05, 08:46

That is a horrible thing to have happened. Anyone, whether an overly anxious person or not, would be unnerved by such events.

Did you call the police? If not, it would be a good idea to do so as they are able to give you excellent advice on extra security measures that you may wish to implement.

Invasion of your own personal property has a bad effect on everyone and it will take a while for you to feel comfortable once again.

Sorry this probably wasn't much help but just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you.

Kate x

25-07-05, 10:32
So sorry to hear this Henri. It must be a really horrible feeling. I'm sure it will take a while for you to feel completely comfortable and at ease again. Thinking of you..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

25-07-05, 10:34
Oh darling - that is awful, I can't even think of what to say to you that will bring you any comfort aside to say that thank goodness you are both OK.

Thinking of you hunny.


25-07-05, 12:19
omg how horrible! When we had break ins it was when we weren't about.

The nerves should calm down, you will feel rather anxious for some time.

x X xJade Loves Mike 4Eva x X x

25-07-05, 13:28
Hi Henri,

you poor thing you must be really shook up, none of this is your doing so dont worry about taking meds to calm you down, just do what ever you need it will prob take a few days for you to settle again,

I know there's not a lot i can say that will help you, do hope your ok

kairen x

25-07-05, 14:41
thanks for your replies everyone. i'm feeling much better now -still a bit knackered. we had to wait until 7am before someone came to replace the window.
my boyfriend had the presence of mind to look for the phone and call the police immediately (while i was cowering under the duvet!) - they came over immediately and gave us a crime number or whatever it is. they were great.
anyway, i've calmed down a bit now. and as lucy says, i won't let them get me down!
henri xx

25-07-05, 15:25
Sorry to hear about the break-in, or at least the attempted break in.

I'm glad you are feeling better now and I think a break in Greece is called for!

Take Care!


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

25-07-05, 17:33
Sorry to hear about the break in Henri. I think you coped remarkably well in the circumstances. Something like this would affect anyone, whether they experience anxiety and panic or not.

Hope you are feeling a little better now.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

25-07-05, 18:23
wow henri,
i'm sorry about your break in!! i would have been so petrified too!! get out all the emotion about it now and talk about it lots with your man..
as for the flight to greece, just try and visualise what it will be like when you get there.. so sit in your seat, close your eyes and imagine what a lovely relaxing time you will have when you get there...
take care,

"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

25-07-05, 18:30

Wow that must have been so scary for you!

I am glad you are feeling a bit better now and calmer.

Let's hope the police can catch them somehow!

I am sure you will be fine once you get on the plane as well but good luck for that too.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

25-07-05, 22:05

So very sorry to hear about your attempted break in. Glad to hear it was a failed attempt !!

You enjoy your trip home, look forward to being looked after there


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

26-07-05, 00:21
Hi Henri

So sorry to hear about that and anyone would have being totally shaken by that and i think you sound to have coped really well with it.

I know i can only offer a shoulder on this one but if you need to talk you know where i am.

Take care hun and i am thinking of you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".