View Full Version : Feel off balance

04-03-09, 17:26
Still so worried - feel off balance , but only when im out , ok at home - so i know this must be anxiety.
Still stressing over ms or mnd - hands feel funny.
Its hard to think rationally. Also feeling really depressed that doesn't help.
It does help to read what people say on the forum.

05-03-09, 05:17
I had the off balance feeling as well. I worried I had MS or ALS etc. Those are very rare diseases.

I'm not sure how they treat anxiety in the UK but in the states they use anti anxiety meds and therapy if necessary.

What helped me finally get over a lot of my symptoms is realizing that it was anxiety and nothing was seriously wrong with me.

I went to two different docs and both gave the same diagnoses. The problem with a lot of docs is they dont sufficiently describe what anxiety can do to your body. Here is a list of my symptoms some of which I'm still getting over:

- muscle aches and cramps
- muscle twitching
- muscle weakness
- off balance / spacey feeling
- eys sensitive to light
- sore eyes
- weird vision stuff
- neck pain
- hands and feet tingling
-weird feelings in my hands and feet
- scalp tingles
- tired/fatigue
- head felt heavy and neck felt weak
- jello legs- literally felt like my legs were wobbly
- internal vibrations- really weird, felt like my bed was vibrating but it was me internally vibrating. Like a little internal motor in my body.

Anxiety really sucks but the first step to feeling better is to accept its anxiety . Also medication can help a lot. It can take your body months to recover from bad bouts of anxiety.

05-03-09, 11:12
All of the symptoms above are also symptoms of anaemia. Many doctors and patients think MS before anaemia simply because GP's are not well trained in nutrition based ailments. The full list of anaemia symptoms are:

Dry mouth and throat
Burning tongue
Mouth sores
Altered sense of touch
Brittle nails and hair
Difficulty swallowing
Chest and leg pain
Pins and needles
White tongue
Pale skin
Memory Loss
Poor concentration
Poor balance
Short attention span
Poor circulation
Greying hair
Difficulty walking
Stiff arms and legs
Easy bruising

Obviously you dont necessarily have all these symptoms... it depends on the severity of the anaemia.

Ask your doc to check your iron levels etc. I would hazard a guess its more likely anaemia than MS.

I only say this because I have iron deficiency and I study nutrition.

05-03-09, 22:53
Thanks for your replies, it reassures me for a bit. I know i should book appointment to see GP.

07-03-09, 19:41
:roflmao: Hi there, your symptoms sound very like mine!! I have been suffering health anxiety for about 2 years now and have had a multitude of frightening symptoms. It all started with a bit of shaking in my legs and one of my arms and went to a neurologist who told me I was suffering acute anxiety. I insisted I had an MRI as I have a very good health insurance. Anyway, to cut a long story short all was clear and 2 more MRI's of my brain later I still have loads of alarming symptoms but all is clear on the scans. I started getting a balance problem last Feb which is very up and down, depending:huh: :huh: :scared15: on my anxiety levels etc. They put it down to an inner ear problem but CT scan showed very little. I'm currently suffering really badly with dizziness and have pins and needles in my legs and occasionally in my left hand and sometimes in weird places like my groin, trunk, back, buttocks etc. Even after 3 scans I'm still scared stiff and the anxiety is at an all time high. I am going back to the neurologist on Monday. I feel like I am living in constant fear of MS. I notice every wheelchair and it fills me with such fear. I can't carry on like this . The neurologist has told me in the past that piins and needles can be caused by a miss firing of the nerves associated with anxiety.

07-03-09, 20:25
Anxiety can cause us to feel off balance when outside because of the wide open space, aswell as depression.

I have bipolar - When i'm feeling down, I feel very off balance, it's a horrible feeling.

Hope you feel better soon. x

08-03-09, 05:14
sooooooo many people on here are feeling off balance, me too since octber on and off, its really made, it must be a key symptom.