View Full Version : Feel like a freak! ONE SIDED ENTIRE BODY WEAKNESS

04-03-09, 19:04
Ok so ive had so many different kinds of symptoms and after going to the doctor and having blood tests we just decided it was health anxiety/stress of school etc. well for a few months since i started getting anxious when i had a never ending sinus infection my WHOLE right side of my body goes weak at random times. by this i mean my leg feels like it wont support me when i walk (although it does) and my arm just feels limp. plus that side of my face feels numb and feels like it is melting off! im now paranoid that i have a brain tumour because ive started getting migraines which ive never had and they are usually on the left - the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body - so i feel like it must be a tumour there. plus my scalp goes really sore as if my skull is bruised and for the last week ive had pain behind my eyes and what i can only describe as in the socket above the eyeball. i get a lot of twitches/tingles and random 3 second tingles on the left of my tongue too. just to add to it, my left tonsil is sore/inflamed and its sore behind my ears but not sure if its all related. i always feel like i need to massage my neck. i had an eye test 2 weeks ago so its not eye strain and she looked in my eyes with a microscope and checked head pressure (all normal).

can someone please please reassure me because i cant get it off my mind that i may have a tumour or something awful wrong with my brain.

04-03-09, 19:45
You cannot feel a tumour by pressing on your skull. I get limb weakness but it is nothing to do with my head but my back.

Now until you see him/her you will just have to try and relax as hard as this may seem worrying about it will not help.:bighug1:

05-03-09, 04:59
I have had this weird weakness as well. It is anxiety. My right side would feel weak and even lifting a cup of water up felt like it weight 20 lbs. I also had nearly every muscle in my body go weak and my muscles were twitching.

It was crazy but once I accepted that it was anxiety and the doc put me on some anti anxiety meds I started feeling a lot better. When you constantly worry and stress over your heath your body and nervous system gets completely run down and it causes all sorts of weird problems.

The first step is to stop fearing something is wrong with you. If your doc has examinded you and found nothing wrong and says its anxiety then it most likely is. The hard part is accepting that it is and realizing that nothing is seriously wrong with you.

Hope you feel better but I can tell you I've been exactly where you are. It won't go away immediatly but it will get better with the right treatment plan.

05-03-09, 05:01
I have also had the eye pain, the crazy neck symptons the tingles in hands and feet....it sounds to me that you are going through a lot of anxiety.

The thing with anxiety is that it can affect nearly every part of your body.

05-03-09, 22:21
Do you know what? Your symptoms are ALL CAUSED by the migraine. Let's look at the evidence:

* Migraines can make the veins in your face and temple feel like they're tingling or burning, as if your skin is itching or on fire. (This isn't often mentioned on migraine sites.)

* Severe migraines can cause weakness or temporary paralysis of parts of your body. Not very common, but in the worst case scenario, they can totally put you out of action for a while -- this happens to my auntie.

* Migraines can cause aching in the muscles, particularly the sensitive ones in the neck, perhaps because they cause your body to tense up and those muscles take A LOT of strain when you're tense.

* Migraines can cause sensitivity to light, visual disturbances (the "aura", in other words a beautiful swathe of shimmering light, and/or kind of swirly, shimmering greyness) and/or pain in the eyes.

* Migraines HURT. They can cause tingling, throbbing and pain.

Also, hyperventilation can cause your hands and feet to tingle.

Get yourself checked out by a doctor cos these migraine symptoms indicate you suffer badly. But do not fear -- I am 99.99999% certain you are fine. I've had most of your symptoms a number of times and I know people who have the others. I will eat my socks if you have a brain tumour. In fact, I'm so convinced, I'll come round and eat yours too. ;)

06-03-09, 00:47
hey guys thanks sooo much for the replies. went to see a new doctor today who didnt know ANYTHING about what ive been going through (i normally see and american doctor on the RAF base as my dad was in the RAF - today i saw nhs doctor) and without telling him anything about stress/anxiety he pieced it together. he did the neurological checks as my mum told him later that i was concerned over a brain tumor and he said he thinks it's all stress because my back/shoulders were very tense. i took him a list of about 20 symptoms LOL and he was like i think they are all linked to stress. then i mentioned about my car accident and he said even though the aches/pains didnt happen immediately its likely to have been a factor in my problems subconciously. thank you for the support once again, im going back for blood tests on monday which he said i prob didnt need but if it would put my mind at ease then he would do it, so hopefully they will come back normal then HOPEFULLY i can put this health anxiety to the back of my mind! its been long enough!

Cathy B
17-03-09, 11:55
I found this site by accident looking for a Clare Weeks book, hopeing to get some assurance that all my left sided symptoms were due to anxiety. I am so relieved to know that I am not alone. I also suffer from neck and head pain on the left side, dizziness and unsteadiness from labrinthitis plus ringing in my left ear, I dont know how much is viral and how much is anxiety. I have had this left sided problem on and off for about 18 years and just worried myself sick about it. It can go away for a long time then return when I am stressed. Common sense tells me what it is but you always have that nagging doubt. Its easy to be logical when you are well but an anxiety state doesn't doesn't lend itself to thinking logically. My doctor says it cant be much if I have had it this long but it is very hard to live with. I am stressed at the moment due to the serious illness of a close family member and I realise that anxiety can manifest itself in so many strange ways. I would like to say thankyou to all who have contributed to this site and made me feel not so alone with this problem.

17-03-09, 14:12
hey guys thanks sooo much for the replies. went to see a new doctor today who didnt know ANYTHING about what ive been going through (i normally see and american doctor on the RAF base as my dad was in the RAF - today i saw nhs doctor) and without telling him anything about stress/anxiety he pieced it together. he did the neurological checks as my mum told him later that i was concerned over a brain tumor and he said he thinks it's all stress because my back/shoulders were very tense. i took him a list of about 20 symptoms LOL and he was like i think they are all linked to stress. then i mentioned about my car accident and he said even though the aches/pains didnt happen immediately its likely to have been a factor in my problems subconciously. thank you for the support once again, im going back for blood tests on monday which he said i prob didnt need but if it would put my mind at ease then he would do it, so hopefully they will come back normal then HOPEFULLY i can put this health anxiety to the back of my mind! its been long enough!

I'm so pleased for you.....now start living!:yahoo:


17-03-09, 17:13
cathy im so glad im not alone! thank you for your reply and thanks trish :)