View Full Version : Am I.....or arent I...??

04-03-09, 19:14
Sorry but im so stressed right now i feel like im going to blow a gasket.
I was diagnosed with diabetes in approx 1995 and have been on medication ever since.
Ive been having a rough time with work issues...harrassment/bullying etc for the last 6 months and ive been off on the sick with anxiety/pa since nov/december.
I have been going to the gps surgery for the last few weeks to have my bp done as it was a little high when the dr was taking it (white coat syndrome) so he decided that if the nurse took it for 4 weeks and it stayed low then i wouldnt need to have medication for it so that was good to me.
I went today for my bp done (3rd visit)...or so i thought it was my bp. Anyway i went into the office to see the nurse and it wasnt the usual nurse, it was one of the diabetic nurses who ive never met before. I sat down and then she proceeded to tell me she didnt think i was a diabetic!!!!:shrug: :shrug: :shrug: uuuh?
i said.... 'EXCUSE ME'....well you would woudnt you? I asked her on what basis she came to that conclusion and she said that my glucose blood tests always came back between 4 -6 which is good for someone who is diabetic.
I wasnt happy as you can imagine being told that and then she said to me 'look if you want to be a diabetic then fine'????....eh.. i thought is this woman for real? where the hell is this coming from....so im sorry to say i lost it...i blew my cool and i tore a strip off her asking since when does she know better than a consultant who specialises in diabetes? etc etc. Now she wants to go back to the records of when i was first diagnosed which according to her are still on paper records so she will need to find out where they are in the surgery so she can see what it says?
Im so mad...angry and upset with all this. Ive been getting chest pains since then, which is probably because im all worked up (good job she didnt take my bp it would be off the chart) and my hubby has just come in from work and ive told him what theyve said and so ive got myself all worked up again and its making me feel ill :weep: :weep:
Why do this to someone...they know im feeling low at the moment so surely they realise how this would affect me telling me this.
Have i been on meds all these years when i neednt have been?
I just dont know what to think anymore this has totally thrown me and i dont know what to do or think?
Im supposed to go back tommorow to see the other diabetic nurse to have my foot pulses done and my retinal screeing but im panicing in case i blow my cool again mainly because it makes me feel so ill...i dont know what to do:weep:

04-03-09, 21:42
hi les thats awful if they have got it wrong ,no wonder your in a state ,i would be aswell if it was me and angry also,hopefully the nurse tommorow will be more sympathetic towards you ,theres always one who thinks there the bees knees isnt there ,and can belittle people please let me know how it goes and if ever need a moan or chat feel free to pm me

04-03-09, 22:20
your glucose is prob between 4 and 6 because you MANAGE your diabetes well. there are criteria for diagnosing diabetes and if your doctor diagnosed you, then you are diabetic and just need to maintain good glucose control. even if you were only pre-diabetic, the meds (metformin, glucophage etc) help. i am not diabetic and i am on meds simply to help me because i have insulin resistance issues. please don't worry. check in with your doc and just ignore this heinous nurse.

04-03-09, 23:49
Thanks amanda and justbananas
Well according to her she spoke to my gp before she saw me and he left the last say with her as shes a diabetic nurse?
What worries me mostly is that ive been on metformn tablets for approx 13/14 years now. It was a consultant that diagnosed me not just a gp so i really cant see how she can overturn a diagnosis made by someone with his experience.
Is it bad that i manage my glucose/sugar levels well? ... after all thats what they drum into you when i go to the clinic. But the thing is though i manage them as well as i do with the help of my metformin tablets.
She also told me that metformin dont really help you keep sugar levels down which is fair enough i already knew that...but what they do do is help distribute the insulin as obviously your pancreas doesnt work as well as other peoples. So what will happen to my levels when she stops my metformin because thats what shes doing... she wants me to stop my meds from today for at least 6 months? I dont want to feel as ill as i did when i was first diagnosed i thought that was all in the past as id managed to keep my levels balanced i thought id done well....but obviously not.
Im so confused by all of this. Im going to cancel my appointment with the nurse tomorrow because i just cant face another confrontation like today again....im just not up to it with still having this chest infection. I wished id never gone today, i was going to cancel but it was a fine day so i thought i may as well get it over with.

05-03-09, 01:05
ok - no idea how health care works in the UK but you need to exercise your right to consult with another doctor. you CAN potentially manage your diabetes without metform (diet and exercise) but if it works for you, there is no reason to come off of it. metformin DOES contribute to lowering of glucose levels and control, for sure. I've been on it also for years. You should perhaps find out who/how/etc of your initial diagnosis but either way see a different doctor or nurse please!! you are responsible for your own health care, and it's not left up to the decision of some half-wit who has quite frankly approached this incorrectly. her reasoning is completely wrong, and if they want you to stop the meds it should be for a month or so, then get your bloods tested again, and see where your glucose levels are (including a Glucose Tolerance Test GTT and a A1C test) to determine whether you need the meds and at what level. people don't just get yanked off of diabetic meds for long stretches of time for no reason and without observation. do the research, get informed, and bring your knowledge and power to a new doc, or to those idiots if necessary.

05-03-09, 18:41
Hi Lesley

So sorry to hear that you have been subjected to such appauling behaviour from people who you put you trust and health in, I think they have treated you disgustingly.

First and foremost your health is the major issue here. Like you said you were diagnosed by a qualified consultant not a nurse who obviously has her head stuck too far up her own backside to think she is more qualified to question a consultants findings.

You need to see a Doctor to get this sorted out, maybe it would be an idea to be asked to be reffered back to a Consultant to get this sorted out rather than taking that nurse's advice?

I would certainly consider putting in a complaint about the incompetent way you have been treated.

Please keep us updated xxxx

05-03-09, 19:05
L m a o
Thanks Di you really made me laugh with what you said about her being so far up her own backside...lol thanks for that i needed a laugh after the last few days.
Yes i think your right ive thought about it and it seems to be the only way to sort this out i think. But like you say im gong to seriusly consider complaining about her to the practise manger about her aiitiude...she was toatlly out of order in what she said to me.
Cheers Di
Take care