View Full Version : Dizzy???

04-03-09, 21:49
I've asked about this before but really i'm just SO SCARED right now! I'm dizzy and i have been for about 3 months and i need to know what Other things cause dizziness besides anxiety? I don't believe its anxiety. It went away twice in the past 3 months for about a week each time and i was still anxious so why would it have went away? I went to the dr, she did blood tests but thats it and nothing really come back bad except i have a cyst on my thyroid(which i was afraid it was cancer). So its got to be something else, but what? What kinds of things causes dizziness, if i knew then i'd go to the dr and ask to be checked for it. This is REALLY getting me to panic! I don't wanna blame every symptom on my anxiety just incase its something Really serious. A friend said that last stage adrenal disease will cause dizziness and so will Heart disease:weep:

04-03-09, 21:52
i have also posted about this today, its horrible and scary but ive never heard of heart disease causing it before ,my dad has got heart failure and doesnt suffer from dizziness so id rule that out , i know its so hard not to panic about this if need to chat can always pm me


04-03-09, 22:08
i have also posted about this today, its horrible and scary but ive never heard of heart disease causing it before ,my dad has got heart failure and doesnt suffer from dizziness so id rule that out , i know its so hard not to panic about this if need to chat can always pm me


Thank you:bighug1:

05-03-09, 11:22
"A friend said that last stage adrenal disease will cause dizziness and so will Heart disease:weep:"

Your friend said that? personally, I would make a fresh start by surrounding yourself by friends that do not reinforce your paranoia. Thats an answer worse than googling. Seriously, many many things can cause dizziness, including poor eyesight and vitamin deficiencies.... as well as anxiety. Do not listen to people who give such silly answers. Dizziness, Im sure could be the symptom of ANY problem, imagined, real, serious or nonconsequential. It would be like saying you have an itchy foot so it could be gangrene. If you want to listen to anyone, listen to the peple on this site and realise than dizziness is COMMON to most of us. And dont ask that friend again for their advice. Their answer was completely insensitive.

05-03-09, 19:44
I know someone who suffered from dizzy spells, and it turned out she had an inner ear imbalance, which was caused by a slight infection, apparently this is quite common; nothing serious and easily treated.

05-03-09, 19:52
I had dizziness on and off for about 2 years and it does go in time

You need to make sure you are doing correct breathing.

If it was serious then it would NOT go away for a while then come back - it would be constant.

05-03-09, 20:30
Is there a link to correct breathing techniques?