View Full Version : Panic Attack over Fear of dying

25-07-05, 19:01
I am 24 years old and over the past week or so I think I have had 3 panic/anxiety attacks over the thought of dying. i don't think anything is going to harm me, but the thought of getting old and reaching the point of death is actually terrifying me and sending me into a panic attack. I have lost my apitite and am having trouble sleeping. I am now also starting to obsess over this and I know that this is not healthy, I also have the same reaction over the thought of memebers of my family dying.
Is this common? Is there anything i can do to stop this? The problem is i am currently studying in the USA and I am not due to return home for 8 weeks so can not see a doctor as this is so expensive over here. Any help/advice would be very much appreciated.

25-07-05, 19:14
hi Sasha,

Welcome aboard!! :)

it is quite common to worry about health related issues. I think most of us on this forum do this to some extent. Maybe you could do things that make you feel better? Like relaxation tapes, healthy eating (key to lowering anxiety), rescue remedy, etc. Try this for a while and when you get back to the UK, maybe you could try seeing a counsellor/therapist..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

25-07-05, 19:15
Hi Sasha

Welcome aboard.

Sorry to hear this is worrying you and it is hard to deal with cos we are all going to die at some point - not a lot we can do about that I am afraid. It is how you view the future that is what matters.

It is probably cos you are a bit stressed at the moment and dwelling on this make it worse - a vicious circle.

Maybe a short course of CBT would be able to help these issues but I appreciate you can't get that easily at the moment and even the waiting list in the UK is long.

Maybe Hypnotherapy could help with this as well.

Just some thoughts anyway.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

25-07-05, 19:34
hi sasha
i think most of us here have a fear of dying i personally think thats what triggered my anxiety, if you can try not to think about it too much or try and switch your thoughts thats what i do now and it does help!
michelle xxx

25-07-05, 21:12
Hi sasha,

I totally sympathise with you 100% as that too is my biggest fear... and to be honest it is very common with anxiety sufferers.

Nic is right by saying that we all will die one day but just not now.... It is important to keep things in perspective. ANxiety will not harm you in any other way than take away your happiness and quality of life... in fatc it is your body protecting you from some supposed 'harm'.... try and relax and maybe do some yoga, deep breathing and positive affirmations each day...

I still find this fear so difficult but I am trying to keep things into perspective and trying to be positive... Inb fact i am reading the Paul mcKenna book 'change your life in 7 days' and although I no my problems will not disappear in 7 days but he make a lot of sense... maybe read this and see what you think... it certainley wont hurt.

Hope this helps you and keep in touch.


25-07-05, 22:01
You share this fear with many others Sasha. People with a strong faith do much better than those with none as they feel they know what will hapen next.

As a nurse I have shared the final moments with many people and it does seem that in the last minutes they get an idea of what is to come and peace and calm and even joy spread across their faces and they go willingly.

Fear of death (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=321)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

26-07-05, 00:23
Hi Sasha

Welcome to the forum and although i dont worry about dying i do worry about losing control so i can appreciate how you feel, like many people on here can.

You are not alone and we will help you through this.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".