View Full Version : Too scared to mention this to anyone..

05-03-09, 00:26
The last few weeks (- It might even be months, I've had alot going on.) I've noticed my voice is hoarse. (I do smoke though) I noticed it at first when I was trying to sing, but now it's almost constant. It seems worse in the morning (Whether that's with having dry mouth upon waking or not, I don't know..

I keep getting recurrent mouth ulcers, which made me think of mouth cancer. I got over that, when the ulcers healed..

BUT I keep getting a pain on the left side of my neck, not constant, but only when my head's in certain positions. It feels like it could almost be a swelling? - I keep feeling for a lump, but there is none.

When I touch the left of my neck it hurts also. More like a stinging pain inside than anything else.

Now today, my tongue is swollen on the left side and it's making me speak with a lisp, And it's completely freaked me out.

I'm so convinced I have throat cancer (Mainly because of the hoarse voice, It's been too long.) that I daren't speak to anyone about my fears. Because it will make them seem too real?

I'm 28 weeks pregnant, and everyday I'm thinking about how my partner will end up raising our son by himself. I don't have a doctor's appointment until Wednesday - So I can't ask about it until then.

Does anyone know what else this could be? Because I'm so sure I have cancer, it's really scaring me.

05-03-09, 00:40
I dont think it is mouth cancer because when you have mouth/throut cancer it is hard to detect as it is painless. The ulcers could be something to do with your sleeping pattern if your not sleeping properly or something. Or it could be a effect of your pregnancy. Sometimes i get pains in my neck and dont know wer they came from and start to panic that its a sign of a brain tumor or something, but its prob that you injured it or moved it into a crocked position without realising and its now just muscle pain. Swollen tonuge could possibly be a allergic reaction to a certain food, have you eaten anything you havent tried before, or evan a reaction to a facial/body product, it seems silly but reactions can take place in other parts of the body you wouldnt think a certain item would effect. I hope this helped try not to worry too much. And your voice could just be smoking. I smoke too and it happens to me sometimes. Hope i helped Xxx Xxx

05-03-09, 02:32
First off, you shouldnt be smoking when pregnant. If you are in such fear for your own health, why would you do that to your child?

Im sorry, but I had to say that first.

With that said, are you sure they were ulcers in your mouth? I recently was suffering from dry mouth as a symptoms of anxiety which causes your salivary glands to swell, making them look like ulcers. A numb tongue could be as simple as a pinched nerve.
As for the neck pain, it is a common symptom of anxiety too. But also evaluate how you sleep on it at night. Sometimes something as small as a draft can cause a stiff neck.

05-03-09, 07:25
I've had problems with my throat tongue ears neck for a year now, i was diagnosed with burning mouth syndrome 6 months ago, and since new year my tongue changed dramatically, i was terrified, i thought i had cancer, i had this deep red patch with a white line on it.

I eventually went to the docs, she gave me a name for it and off i went.
My advice to you is.........go the docs and have your mind put at rest, i was so scared but i got to the point that as i believed i had cancer, i might aswell have been told that. It was easier for me to know.

How can you enjoy being pregnant when you have this looming over you.
I also smoked while pregnant, i felt guilty and ashamed, but if it was that easy to give up, no-one would smoke.

Don't let this take over your life, just go the docs hun

di xx

05-03-09, 11:22
I dont want to scare you but i know this probably will. My friend noticed his voice was getting hoarse when he was singing (he's a karaoke addict). It then seemed to stay with him so he went to his doctor and was told he had throat cancer and had caught it just in time. HE'S NOW DOING ABSOLUTELY FINE! Please get this checked out, its probably nothing to worry about and will put your mind at rest again. Being this stressed isnt good for you or your baby.

05-03-09, 14:29
I looked at your public profile and you're 18, right? You DO NOT have throat cancer! Do you know how completely vanishingly rare throat cancer is in women under 40 (let alone 18)?! I looked it up because throat cancer also panics me from time to time. Anyway, you really don't need to worry, I promise.

kerry d
05-03-09, 14:42
hi i am going through the exact thought now i have had a feeling in my throat for ages and put it down to medication every time i eat it gets stuck i am 35 and a smoker so thats why i think its throat cancer i am having a ct scan on monday to put my mind at rest i know how you are feeling and it just adds to the stress that we are also having i hope you get on ok at the doctors but try not to worry as it is no good for the baby good luck kerry d