View Full Version : Venlafaxine 150mg - Help

05-03-09, 09:05
:mad: I have been taking this for three months and wondered if anyone else still had problems with insomnia. I thought this would wear off but its got worse. Would appreciate any help before I go mad! Thank you.

25-04-11, 23:51
hi, I have only been on Venlafaxine for last 3 weeks, and today starting 150mg per day - my sleep pattern has changed, although I think its a bit early to compare.... will let you know if any probs though. I have noticed however that I have dry eyes!! this time of evening, and through the night.... how about you?

26-04-11, 21:09
Hi, I'm on a lower dose than you (75mgs a day) but it does affect my sleep... especially if I take it in the evening. I wonder if it affects blood sugar levels as every time I wake in the night I am sooo hungry, and have to eat something before I can even think of sleeping again.. it has helped lift my mood though, and my anxiety is not as acute :)

04-05-11, 08:14
I am also on Venlafaxine 75mg. It has helped my anxiety a lot, however I do find it does interfear with my sleep. Though for me it makes me more sleepy instead of insomnia.

04-05-11, 09:18
Hi, I was changed from citalopram to venlafaxine about eight weeks ago. Started on 75mgs and have been on 150mg for just under four weeks. Since I've started these I haven't had a full night's sleep. I'm awake until at least 4 or 5 am and if I do go to bed I can't settle and feel really restless and jumpy, it's awful. The doctor has signed me off work as I'm so stressed about it. He said it should settle in a while but it's really getting to me. I never had this problem with citalopram. I take my capsule in the morning. I know this doesn't help you but it might reassure you that you're not on your own.
Tina x