View Full Version : Dr apointment and blood tests

05-03-09, 10:01
Hi All,
Over the past few weeks i have really bad chest , back and arm pain so i saw the dr yesterday and he said i will send you for some blood test but i dont think they will find anything, now im so scared.On the screan i saw loads of letter but two stuck out they were for rematoid and acid.
Does anyone know what the blood tests are for.
Im 25(just on sunday) and have two young kids and i am so scared.
What if they find something.:weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

05-03-09, 10:52
i have been told to get a blood test for rheumatoid also. also dna antibodies.... they are probably doing blood tests to check your liver, thyroid and kidney function etc they will probably do a full blood count so they can look for signs of inflamation etc and make sure your body is working ok. it sounds like they are testing to make sure you have no autoimmune problems (rheumatiod) which is no big deal. I should not worry. Easier said than done I know. Ive had so many blood tests lately that Ive just stopped being worried. Dont panic, blood tests are only an indicator or where to look for the answer to your aching x

05-03-09, 16:07
Thanks, im just so scared.