View Full Version : i just want my life back.

kerry d
05-03-09, 12:38
hi i am new to this site, and have found it very comforting i did not know i was suffering from anxiety until i read all the symptoms. i have been feeling ill for about seven monthes now and think there is something seriously wrong with me. i too have had this feeling in my throat have a rapid heart beat in the morning cant sleep at night and just generally feel unwell i have had blood test and ecgs and they have come back ok but i still feel that i have a terminal disease and it is taking over my life. i have two wonderful children and a partner that dotes on me so i dont no why i should feel like this, i just want to wake up in the morning and be back to my normal self.

05-03-09, 12:45
I'm surprised the doctors haven't picked up on your anxiety. Mine were very helpful, when I managed to actually make it into the room!

I'm new to the anxiety side of things, relatively speaking, and have come to the conclusion that there is no quick fix in most cases... just something you have to work at, taking little steps at a time, and getting the right kind of support!

I'd imagine getting to the bottom of the reasons why you are anxious is a start...

Hang in there and you will overcome this.

kerry d
05-03-09, 14:30
thankyou for your kind words i know the doctor has been rubbish, i think my anxiety started when i finished my two year university course i just think everything has just come to a head and now im paying the price for it what were your symptoms? thanks again kerry.

Vanilla Sky
05-03-09, 14:42
Hi Kerry, sorry your having a hard time at the moment, there is hope for the future! Glad you found us, your not on your own hon so welcome to NMP ill maybe see you in chat soon Love Paige x

kerry d
05-03-09, 14:45
thanks i did not realise how many of us are suffereing you think you are on your own dont you thanks again

05-03-09, 14:58
I've had depression for years... and moving away may have brought my fear of rejection (meeting new people) to a head like yourself.

I get sick. Queasy, nauseous feelings that make me hide in toilet cubicles! And with my current meds, I feel like it quite a lot! But light IS at the end of the tunnel, I know!

kerry d
05-03-09, 15:08
can i ask what your symptoms were did you get the feeling in your throat thats whats fraeking me out the most not knowing whats causing it i did get diagnosed with h pylori which is a horrible bug in the stomach that causes all sorts of problems like chest pain acid reflux i think this has just added to my problems.

05-03-09, 15:18
I generally get a dry throat, sometimes the mysterious "lump". Not sure if this is what you mean? My mouth goes very dry, even if I drink water (which I do to comfort myself). My nausea stops me from eating quite a bit... and my sugary food intake has gone right down as it makes me feel really sick.

I do occasionally (when out and about in "stressful" situations) get a little light headed and dizzy too. I quite often have to sit down and calm myself down if I feel I can't go on, to stop it becoming a full blown panic attack.

Hope this helps... I'm sure others around here also have these symptoms!

kerry d
05-03-09, 15:20
thanks carl

05-03-09, 15:25
Hi Kerry,

I'd just like to :welcome: you to the site, im sure you'll find a lot of good advice on here that's sure to help you, there is also a great chatroom, take care xx

kerry d
05-03-09, 16:02
thanks alot x

05-03-09, 19:37
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


06-03-09, 08:53
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

kerry d
06-03-09, 13:50
thanks for all your replys its comforting to know i am not alone had a really bad day yesterday but feel a bit better to day xx

06-03-09, 20:04
Hi kerry
I am also quite new to anxiety. Recently I have begun to get the feeling I am not able to swallow and the more I think about it the worse it gets. Mine started off with numbness and pins and needles but have had palpitations and tight chest/difficulty swallowing. Had loads of blood tests and ecg. My doc also told me I need to 'chill' out. This was really encouraging!! Don't give in tho I kept going back and now referred to a CBT to get to the bottom of why this happening. Maybe talking to someone too will help u. I will let you know when I have my first appointment.
In the mean time I find it really comforting if feel anxious to come on here and read through why the symtoms r happening.

Hope this helps

Take care xxx