View Full Version : can anyone relate to this?- Dreams

05-03-09, 17:11
Right, a few times, iv had this thing whereby iv just fallen asleep, and im having a dream, and in the dream i can be doing anything, and then i collapse, and i get this feeling in my head..like im aware that iv collapsed, i can hear my thoughts, but everything feelings like its getting futher away from me. Its like, in my dream, im passing out, my body is paralized, but i can still hear my thoughts...AND THEN at that point i have to jolt myself awake, like i literally have to shake my arm or something, to get me out of this weird state thats in my dream..

sorry this probably sounds mad..im just worried about it, like its actually a physical problem with my brain..im also paranoid that im not breathing when it happens, and perhaps its this thats causing me to feel this weird feeling?

05-03-09, 17:54
It sounds like a form of lucid dreaming. With lucid dreaming you are kinda conscious inside your dreams, and also in realising this, you are able to dictate what happens inside the dreams once you practice. Some people chase after being able to do this for years. I used to suffer from a lot of weird and upsetting dreams. There are a couple ways of coping. My technique is to repeatedly tell myself that so long as I can recognise I am dreaming I am able to wake up. In dreams there is a reverse logic. Things do not work the same as they do in reality. This sounds silly, but this is how I dealt with it. Before I went to bed I would sit by a light switch and turn it on and off. Watching it respond to my pressing the button. After a while, the fact that you do it routinely makes it more likely to appear in your dreams and you are more inclined to reach out and press the button in your dream. It sounds like it wont work, but believe me it does. So now, when I sleep, most of the time inside a dream I find at some point I reach out to a light switch. When I press the button and the light doesnt respond.... my brain knows I must be dreaming and so I wake up. This is a technique used in lucid dreaming. Usually in this technique, instead of using a light switch, you are taught to study your hands on occasions throughout the day. Looking at the lines and creases etc. Once you establish a routine of looking at your hands, the routine appears in your sleep... the same way you start repeatedly dreaming you are at work immediately after you start a new job. At the point you automatically find yourself looking at your hands inside your dreams, your brain recognises (even if you dont) that they look different to usual, and you realise you are dreaming. At which point you can either choose to wake up, or you can investigate further what it is like to control your own dreams. Look up Lucid dreaming online, some people use it to simulate flying. You are very lucky indeed if this sounds like what you are experiencing.

Alternatively it could be a form of sleep paralysis. This usually happens when you are over tired, sleep deprived or you have been using you brain for something demanding immediately before sleep. Basically you body goes to sleep whilst your mind is still awake, making you feel you are trapped awake in a paralysed body. If this happens and it scares you (as it does me) try getting up and sitting and having a soothing drink like horlics until your head feels as sleepy as your body. You will find it isnt as bad when you go back to sleep.

05-03-09, 18:11
I get something similiar to that, but I don't actually remember the dream though.
I fall asleep and after one minute or so I get some horrible feelings that from my brain go through my body and make me feel so uncomfortable and scared as hell!
I really don't know what it is. Does it happen every night to you?
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

05-03-09, 18:34
I will definately look up lucid dreaming, my boyfriend was actually explaining this to me the other day, not related to me, just randomly, funnily enough:P

And nope, not every night *touch wood* just occasionally, and it really does scare me:S Does it happen to you often?

05-03-09, 18:45
It freaks me out too:blush: , and after that it's really hard trying to fall asleep again. Anyway, it doesn't happen every night to me, thank goodness:yahoo: !
I hope you'll feel better and sleep better:yesyes: !

05-03-09, 18:47
Yeah i know, cos your just afraid it will happen again:S Iv have read up on lucid dreaming though, i reckon it could be that y'know:O

You too anyway:)

05-03-09, 21:22
Sleep paralysis doesnt happen often because I know to sleep before my body gets more tired than my head. As for the interacting inside my dreams, Im able to do this in about 50%. But only with the intention of waking myself as I dont like the idea of lucid dreaming.

05-03-09, 21:28
Yeah, i think i can only do it to the extent of waking myself up, this freaks me out enough as it is, i dont want any more:P