View Full Version : hi i have m.e and anxiety

05-03-09, 18:23
I think i have genaralised anxiety disorder. I can cope with most things when i'm better but when i'm iller i sprial down quick. When I have a serious problem i cant escape i dwell on it and makes me feel sick and anticpate all the time. I hav ehad a neighbour dispute for ages. Gone know where just got out of hand i reall need to learn things to help can occupation heath people help as that all help i'm getting.

It awfull he just ignores council and his noise nuisance. Whenever i hear him no wit set my heart racing and feel a personal attack on my enviroment. I wasnt that noise sensitive or ill when i first moved there. Since my heath hets worse it bring back my anxiety disorder a si feel very ill, get heartburn and my body get attack from adreanline. I need to get well enough to sort the m.e out but cant until i've moved which will take ages.

Its all a big mess, all i tried to do was do things by the book by coucil enviromental heath about his banging and laminat efloor nuisnace as i cant relax and renches you from your thoughts.

Its not just noise no wthough it got out of hand as im stubborn and cant ignore my principle and be walked over. I used to be ok as forced through it but since ive got m.e i cant, as any exitement stress anxiety or competition sets of that natural adreanline respence and over time it incapasitates me.

He is fed up of complaints he ha slied about an asult and counte rnoise allegation and trying to make me feel guilty. I know neighbour conflicts can be worsed thing for anxiety as cannot escape it, it like awar that never goes away. He is young 28 i'm a 23 year old guy im not a compliner really but he makes out im being over the top then if i do thing he is complaining now as id had enough nothing has worked mainly as he owns his. He isnt the sharpest tool in th ebox and is know to be abit strange, used to do lots of drugs etc and other stuff, i.e a hit and run.

He isnt particuly hostile though or violent so i purshed it as i was confident but now 14 months later im a nervous wreck so hard to ignor ethe noise an dnot dwell on it and get on with what i want to do i just cant concentrate.

sorry it all waflle di get impared now cognitivly and could of gon eon all day but i'm very tired.

Dunno why i'm even posting this just feel trapped, i hate conflict and cant understand why this idiot is carring thsi conflict on but i kno we are all so different and all see things differently so isnt my fault i have amoron neighbour when rest are nice and get on with and i have m.e plus anxiety on top, i'm sure once i'm settled il feel well again it wont sort my issues out about anxiety but il get well enough to think straight again and have energy as living in a conflict an dlimbo is so depressing.

I dont know ho wto stop my adreanline and try to forget whats going on and ignore his noise. It is getting obsessive now and caus emy m.e is making me weak and cant eat properly. I have gone from doing a lot mor eto not much plus i'm starting to feel bitter now. It so hard to fingd the right place to move to and am worried how ill i will get if only i could shut of my adrenaline, I know even well people feel symptoms of dread and sickness from neighbour wars but it consumes me now.

Cnat study see friends properly, do thing i wa sdoing basicly i think is thi sworth it but cant stop it all now, and a sit him in th ewrong i cant give in, im just hoping i can move soon. I'm jinxed having m.e got it after a virus ages ago, anxiety just use dto pass and didnt affect me mentaly and physicly.
Gone on a bit but feel well desperate again i want friends and a girlfriedn but i get so self concious now as il soo unwell from m,e where as in my last place i was so much better i got on with neighbours an dalough noisy was quiet up till 5pm and was a poor convertion building so had a life.

Il never get into a neighbour row again my heath cant take it i want to focus on lif enow noise and neighbours tit for tat.

05-03-09, 19:35
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


05-03-09, 19:51
Welcome to this site. You do sound so distressed and upset, i do sympathise with you, i know from a ME point of view how upsetting noise can be, I found that when I was very noise sensitive the best thing for me was to wear a pair of earphones - from a DIY store! that way I could relax and be very quiet - I still wear them when I vacum around as I have supersensitive hearing - adrenaline is a natural excreation at times of anger, and that is what is happening to you, try to eat, I know it is hard, but calming foods that are nutritious can be easy ones as well - porridge is excellent, what about making a chicken broth if you have a slow cooker, stick it all in together chicken, onion, carrots, celery, and slow cook, the meat will fall off the bone, the whole lot could be liquidized and eaten with bread, or just the lovely juice drank as a soup, even thickened with oats. How about eating this with your headphones on, and allowing yourself the peace and quiet to think and relax. How about asking your GP for some calming down tablets just to help for a while. You will get good and bad days, but the best thing is to try to help yourself by not allowing these intrusions blight your life, I am sure that you will find a place to live that will suit your needs, remember we are all here for you.

06-03-09, 00:03
Hi and welcome ,sorry you are having a really bad time ,i know from experience what you are going through and i truly sympathise.People like that should be made to live together ,they wouldnt last five mins. Nothing lasts forever !..though thats hard to accept when your going through it.You will meet lots of nice people here and get lots of advice and support lots luv sue:hugs: :welcome:

06-03-09, 00:47
Just want to say I'm so sorry you're feeling so down. We've had neighbour problems in the past too. Think the advice from Clarissa is brilliant. If you can't face cooking, just buy chicken soup and some readybrek (i'm a lazy moo!) This site is brilliant. I hope you find it useful. Take care.

06-03-09, 08:46
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

06-03-09, 08:47
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, sorry to hear things are so bad at the moment, but a lot of good advice on here that will help you, also a good chatroom if you need it, take care and hope things get better real soon for you xx