View Full Version : Been to doctors(ladies)

05-03-09, 19:12
As some of you know i was kind of freaking out about ovarian cancer, anyway decided to go to the doctors. Explained that i had been having niggly back pain , an achey heavy feeling down below, going to the toilet a lot to wee, etc.
She ended up giving me an internal exam and discovered that i have the start of a prolapse:lac: this is what has been causing the symptoms, it's to the front so that's what's been causing the need to wee as well. It is brought on in my case by having a natural childbirth ( 2 pregnancies) and with them being big babies 10lbs but that was 13yrs ago now!!!! She said that i may have to try this pessary thing that is a ring , it stays in for 6 to 12 mths. Plus also to do the pelvic floor exercises.
I'm just fed up , between all the problems I'm having with my back and now this what's it going to be next, it's never ending at the moment, plus after all of that i still forgot to ask her about my swollen gland behind my ear and the night sweats ive been having, i did say to her when i first went in but then forgot to ask her more............im falling apart and im only 37:sad: but at least it does show us not all symptoms point to the big C xx

05-03-09, 22:38
My very elderly aunty has a bad prolapse of the womb and she is terrified of anything medical and she has had the ring treatment for past 3 years, she has it changed every 4 momths and it works okay - it does make you a bit more prone to vaginal infections but she has only had 2 in that time and she is over the moon cos I am sure the threat of an operation would kill her:weep: as she has such a phobia about hospitals.

She said the worst bit was that sometimes she gets very young male Dr;s and she is now 80 yrs old and she said she feels really sorry for them having to rummage about down there as she says on her raddled body:D

05-03-09, 22:55
I had a prolapse after my son was born four years ago, i was 29 at the time. I had a ring pessary fitted and did the pelvic floors, had the pessary out a while later and everything was fine. Dont worry, it`s annoying i know but it`s not serious, everything remains normal if you know what i mean ;)

06-03-09, 00:02
my mom and nearly every woman she knows who has given birth has had a prolapse to some degree. my mom jokes that she can't exercise because 'her insides are falling out' .. she actually finds it very funny and tells everyone she meets about it. anyway! she's having surgery to correct it in june, and the doc says she'll be right as rain. this is a natural thing for women to deal with (age is certainly not always a factor) and hey - at least it wasn't something bad!

06-03-09, 16:02
Sky, im just curious is it painful to have the ring fitted ,as i get a bit squemish and im a bit of a scaredy cat when it comes to things like this x