View Full Version : stressing!

05-03-09, 20:18
i am really paranoid about things, dont think it controls my life but definitely affects it. its always about things closest to me, i.e a relationship...i instantly assume the worst, that they gonna leave me, and i come to these conclusions because they dont return phone calls, they dont return a text and they may just be busy, but by the time they get in contact with me i have worked myself up into a frenzy, created a drama, it creates a row...they get angry at me, with every right, as they confused, my fear, my paranoia gets worse, and i am back in that vicious circle, until the person forgives me, i promise to them and myself i will never do it again, make all these promises that i mean...but never follow thru!! i am loosing people, i am making myself out to be weak, pathetic, irrational, nuts...when i know i am kind,fun to be with, means well...i am more concerned about others than i am myself.....aarggh...i feel stressed!! been prescribed my first anti depressants...paroxetine..short term right? i need to speak to a pro..i am rambling!

05-03-09, 21:25
I have suffered a bit of this also and drove people away at times.

Just take a step back and get some time to yourself and try not to assume the worst. It's hard but best to find somebody you can talk to about it and explain it to people if you can.

05-03-09, 21:52
Life happens in ebbs and flows -- one minute people will be giving you more attention than you can stand, the next they don't seem to have time for you. Try to keep in mind that you are not the centre of their universe -- everyone has to put themselves first. On days when you're not busy, other people might be swamped with work or problems to deal with.

Sometimes people are just lazy or ignorant when it comes to returning messages -- we've all been like that at one time or another.

As well as this, if you are hassling people for attention and get mad with them when they are late in replying, you could put people off wanting to get in contact. I'm not saying this is the case -- just give people space, give people time to reply, don't assume they have got enough free time to have a conversation all the time -- show them respect and consideration by waiting for them to reply.

Treating people with respect like this is also respecting yourself. Self-respect can help to reduce your feelings of paranoia. If you can hold your head high and tell yourself you are going to be the best person you can be, you have nothing to fear.