View Full Version : Fears of terminal diseases

05-03-09, 21:04
Hi all,

I have had a history of anxiety over terminal diseases over past 10 years. I am 28.

I thought I had brain tumor, lung cancer, melanoma, ALS, and few others...I go thru phases when I can feel ok for a year, and then go thru bad phase of few months where I just irrationally cling to a disease, reading symptoms online, researching, etc.

Lately, I noticed weird tingling sensation in my face, ears and even arms... it is slight one and appears maybe once a day for 2-3 hours for last 2 weeks maybe..sometimes skips a day...I didn't feel particularly anxious about anything when it started so now I am worried it is Multiple Sclerosis...

Anyone knows whether it can start like in whole upper body including face, ears, arms? or it is usually constricted to a certain limb in the beginning? This is maybe the wrong forum to ask...


05-03-09, 21:06
Oops move this to Health forum plz.

05-03-09, 21:10
I am not sure about this, let me jusk tell you - pls DO NOT GOOGLE - I don't know much about MS and I'm not going to google either, but the feeling you're describing sounds like it's your anxiety. Anxiety might cause this. HAng in there and pls, try not to worry.

06-03-09, 11:00
all the tingling can be caused by over breathing when you are panicking or indeed dehydration. i currently have a viral infection (just a bug) and I have all of these symptoms too. Try not to worry my dear, i do exactly the same as you, just go see GP and get them to check everything you are worried about.

06-03-09, 20:12
Thank you guys. The thing is when it started I wasn't really anxious about anything (I am now though) and I rarely really panick: just get depressed... and I keep myself well hydrated too... :(

07-03-09, 21:31
I have a terrible fear of MS also, My pains in my right leg and eye also appeared to start prior to any severe anxiety symptoms, my GP is 100% sure Its all anxiety, but I still talk myself into being ill. Doesnt help Im a nurse and have cared for MS sufferers, its is a hugh fear but Im sure my GP is right.

I talked myself into having HIV once after a a needle stick injury at work, that occupied my mind till I plucked up the courage to go and have a test.

Good luck with everything Ill see you at the start line to the london marathon in a few years well run for MS research

08-03-09, 06:19
The word terminal bothers me why should they be terminal? I know someone who had a double radical mastectomy when she was 21 and she is in her eighties now.

08-03-09, 09:02
Terminal means no cure for, not all cancers are terminal as cures are developed but some dieseases are progressive and have no cure. I think body image and personnal ability to cope with physical disability and pain are people main fears. Death doesnt enter my head or worry me at all.