View Full Version : New to this!!

05-03-09, 21:53
Have been looking at this site for a while but have been too scared to introduce self, because then I would have to admit how awful I feel sometimes.
After almost three years of episodes of heart racing, runs of skipped beats ,dizziness and low blood pressure and two Cardiologists - one with an initial diagnosis of a heart attack(which sent previous non existent anxiety levels sky high!!!)- finally given a diagnosis of 'bigeminy' - which although I'm reassured is benign - makes me feel physically awful at times.

Not sure which is producing the symptoms now - flip-flopping heart or anxiety and panic attacks.

Anyone have any answers?
Want my life back!!!

05-03-09, 22:29
Hi *waves* :)

05-03-09, 23:51
Hi and welcome to N.M.P.:welcome: youll get lots of help and support here, glad you joined luv sue:hugs:

05-03-09, 23:59
Hello! You had LOW blood pressure? Only time I've ever heard of that is when my dad had a severe panic attack when thinking he was having a heart attack - his blood pressure was half its normal rate.

Your present symptoms will probably be anxiety. Heart palpitations are normal when stressed, especially at night, and tiredness and anxiety will only make it worse. If it was something serious, you probably wouldn't have time to write it up and post it here, so relax and enjoy knowing you are well :)

06-03-09, 08:40
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice here that will be sure to help you, also a good chatroom if you want to give it a try, take care xx

06-03-09, 08:44
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

06-03-09, 14:12
Does anyone else have a diagnosis of bigeminy??
It's runs of ectopic beats every other beat I'm told.

07-03-09, 21:48
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx