View Full Version : Been suffering for the last week

05-03-09, 22:08
Hello all, I realise my symptoms are probably just stress, but I've been feeling bad since January this year and it has got really bad in the last week. I'll give you the backstory in brief:

I was made redundant from a job I despised last November. At first I was happy, loving life and spending all day happy to be free, but this January I realised I need to get a new job and basically change everything about my life. Tall order, obviously.

I went to visit a friend abroad and suffered dizziness (a new one for me), tension headaches and fatigue. I felt better for a while when I came back to England. Then a friend of the family was diagnosed with pretty much terminal cancer, a young friend of the family died and my dad had what we suspected was a heart attack, but turned out to be an injured oesophagus.

Since then I've been a bit morbid and very unhappy. I've not been able to take comfort in my wonderful family cos I am scared that someone might die.

I have recently started dating (something I've not been good at before) and last week I met someone I like, but since I met her I have been feeling even worse, sick and migrainey, even though I do enjoy her company and would be happy if she was my girlfriend.

Maybe it's because my life has changed so drastically, or maybe it's because there is change yet to come. I feel rotten all the time, way worse than usual.

I was just wondering, do people think I am simply suffering from anxiety, or should I get myself checked out by the doctor?

Thanks for taking the time to read this.