View Full Version : New symtons in head..

05-03-09, 22:21
38yr old male....
I,ve been a anxiety/panic sufferer for many many years, i suffer the chest pains, sweating, the head fuzziness (depersonalization) and total fear of heart attack, which usually rears its head when I am around people, Had all the heart tests, tereadmill, ecgs, xrays, then went down the cbt and counciling road, i had just started accepting my pains and feelings were down to anxiety and panic dissorder when bang, i get some new health symptons occuring which are totally worrying me to death.
6 weeks ago i started getting heavy headaches which i at first thought ok, i wear glasses, maybe i need eyes checking,again, but 2 weeks later the headaches changed direction and it started feeling like pins and needles in the whole of my head. Starts at the temples, piercing pain then my head gets a ot like sensation like needles and into my back neck. I went to the doctors who said try Ibrupufin, two weeks later i returned as the head pins or stinging sensation got really worse and is now making me feel very fuzzy headed, groggy and sometimes to a point where i think i am going to blackout! .. i cant stand to use my computer as its hurting my eyes badly, feel sweaty & weak legged. The doc checked my eyes, no probs, hes given me some tablets but didnt explain what they were for. they are Amitriptyline , took two yesterday and its made me feel worse ! so drowsy and panicy, i think he seems to think these symptons are part of stress/anxiety but i cant help thinking theres something far worse happening, googling the symptons (i no i shouldnt) brings up reall bad things from melingitus to tumors etc & its fueling the panic and triggering mass attacks, i cant move at times, just want to hideaway in the dark ignoring my door ! its scaring the hell out of me !
has anyone had any xperiance with these tablets i,ve been given or any of these symtoms, are they part of the anxiety dissorder ? never really had these before.. my blood pressure which i check just about every other hour seems ok, 115/80 or 128/80 depending..

thanks for anyones help ....

kerry d
06-03-09, 15:03
hi what you could be experiencing could be migraines, i have had a really bad headache to the point where things are flashing in front of my eyes try and log down what you have eaten prior to the attacks chocolate and chesse are the worst culprits hope this helps

06-03-09, 15:36
38yr old male....
I,ve been a anxiety/panic sufferer for many many years, i suffer the chest pains, sweating, the head fuzziness (depersonalization) and total fear of heart attack, which usually rears its head when I am around people, Had all the heart tests, tereadmill, ecgs, xrays, then went down the cbt and counciling road, i had just started accepting my pains and feelings were down to anxiety and panic dissorder when bang, i get some new health symptons occuring which are totally worrying me to death.
6 weeks ago i started getting heavy headaches which i at first thought ok, i wear glasses, maybe i need eyes checking,again, but 2 weeks later the headaches changed direction and it started feeling like pins and needles in the whole of my head. Starts at the temples, piercing pain then my head gets a ot like sensation like needles and into my back neck. I went to the doctors who said try Ibrupufin, two weeks later i returned as the head pins or stinging sensation got really worse and is now making me feel very fuzzy headed, groggy and sometimes to a point where i think i am going to blackout! .. i cant stand to use my computer as its hurting my eyes badly, feel sweaty & weak legged. The doc checked my eyes, no probs, hes given me some tablets but didnt explain what they were for. they are Amitriptyline , took two yesterday and its made me feel worse ! so drowsy and panicy, i think he seems to think these symptons are part of stress/anxiety but i cant help thinking theres something far worse happening, googling the symptons (i no i shouldnt) brings up reall bad things from melingitus to tumors etc & its fueling the panic and triggering mass attacks, i cant move at times, just want to hideaway in the dark ignoring my door ! its scaring the hell out of me !
has anyone had any xperiance with these tablets i,ve been given or any of these symtoms, are they part of the anxiety dissorder ? never really had these before.. my blood pressure which i check just about every other hour seems ok, 115/80 or 128/80 depending..

thanks for anyones help ....

I suffer the same symptoms. Maybe with your headaches, check out about TMJ. I couldn't believe it but that is what caused most of my head pain and is common wiht anxiety.
I have a question for you.
When you have that lightheaded fuzzy feeling, have you ever had it stay for weeks at a time?
I do and have it now, this sypmtom is new to me and I really hate it. Also my face feels kinda numb and I'm light sensitive. I've had all the tests too. We have to figure out how to enjoy life again, but it's hard.
Hope you feel better soon.

06-03-09, 17:17
hi and thanks for your reply. I,ve just checked out TMJ, dosnt seem to explain what symtons i am having as it says the jaw is effected which i dont have any facial symptons, just the head pins and needles / head pressure and groggy spaced out effects. I did notice though that a medication used to treat this is Amitriptyline (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amitriptyline) which is what my doc put me on so maybe he is treating me for this.. I dont think these are migranes either as its not like a throbbing headache, i,ve had migranes before and this is nothing like them, its more a burning or like being poked with needles all over the head, differant parts of the head & back of the neck at differant times & weak legs which then makes me so light headed and groggy and then triggers a full on panic attack (chest tighness the lot).
It also makes me very light sensative but not so much natural light more TV and mainly any pc monitor. I only have to look at the laptop screen for 10 minutes and it triggers the pressure in the head.
The light headedness lasts all day and i,ve had this now for 6 whole weeks, mainly worse in the early evening, only way i can ease it is to take off my glasses and lye down in a dark room.
The light headedness (depersonalization) i get through panic/anxiety disorders though only tend to last up to an hour at a time & tend to stop when i take myself out of a panic sittuation and get myself into my confort zone..

06-03-09, 20:55
hi and thanks for your reply. I,ve just checked out TMJ, dosnt seem to explain what symtons i am having as it says the jaw is effected which i dont have any facial symptons, just the head pins and needles / head pressure and groggy spaced out effects. I did notice though that a medication used to treat this is Amitriptyline (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amitriptyline) which is what my doc put me on so maybe he is treating me for this.. I dont think these are migranes either as its not like a throbbing headache, i,ve had migranes before and this is nothing like them, its more a burning or like being poked with needles all over the head, differant parts of the head & back of the neck at differant times & weak legs which then makes me so light headed and groggy and then triggers a full on panic attack (chest tighness the lot).
It also makes me very light sensative but not so much natural light more TV and mainly any pc monitor. I only have to look at the laptop screen for 10 minutes and it triggers the pressure in the head.
The light headedness lasts all day and i,ve had this now for 6 whole weeks, mainly worse in the early evening, only way i can ease it is to take off my glasses and lye down in a dark room.
The light headedness (depersonalization) i get through panic/anxiety disorders though only tend to last up to an hour at a time & tend to stop when i take myself out of a panic sittuation and get myself into my confort zone..

Does your lightheadedness go away or has it stayed with you costantly for weeks? Mine has and it scares me. If he came and went I wouldn't worry as much, but I'm lightheaded all the time. What about you?
You headachs might be from tention and stress. It makes since. Hope they get better.

Vanilla Sky
06-03-09, 22:29
Hi Macuk, first of all please STOP GOOGLING! seriously , someone whos not anxious would look up your symptoms amd among all the brain tumours and cancers they would find something completely normal like migraine and go of and not think about it anymore. But for us sufferers we latch onto the worst illness on there and thats what we have! So googling should be banned for anxious people ! I had a shoulder injury that then turned into frozen shoulder, i was in agony, the physio suggested to my doctor that i should go on amitriptiline, as in small doses its good for nerve pain and it helped it a lot. But to my surprise i found i no longer had anxiety ( i had just finished a short course of diazapam and didnt know how i was going to cope) I came of the amitriptiline after a month and the anxiety and shoulder pain came back so i was put on them again for another few months and it got me through untill i was ready to face the anxiety head on. Meantime i had an injection for my shoulder and it slowly got better. I think your symptoms could be tension from anxiety which also leads to neck pain etc the pins and needles and lightheadedness is all part of it im afraid, this in turn causes you to panic and produces more symptoms, it goes full circle doesnt it and then your exhausted and take yourself out of the panic. I found amitriptilne very helpful and i took them at night and slept really well which im sure helped towards my recovery. Im still dealing with anxiety but its not nearly as bad as it was, and i hope im on top of it now. Good luck hope all goes well for you Love Paige x

07-03-09, 06:00
thanks again for your replies.. i no googling isnt good for anxiety, i,m pretty level headed i like to think & i no googling and
keep checking my bp every time i feel unwell isnt helping my anxiety but i cant help it as i always hope it gives me the right
answers to whats going off so i can do something about it. Trouble is as most anxiety sufferes know, it feeds the phobias
inside when all you seem to see is the worst senerios to your symptons & only pickup on anything that seems to be bad to
your health, not the simple or obviouse things.. My trouble is i always fear the worst and expect the worst to happen and
i,ve in the past shrugged off & disbelieved the fact that it could all just be down to the fact its part of anxiety, always
thought it shouldnt be happening to me, male ,38, not overweight or unfit (phsyicaly) , i still find it hard to accept that
maybe its a mental problem not a physical one! so when i get physical symptons like pain, tightness and disconforts i always
assume its a physical health problem, not something my mind has conjured up. Even when i,ve had tests, and i,ve had so
many i,ve lost count (ecg,s, monitors,cameras in every hole possible! dye exrays,ct scans, tread mills, monitors, blood tests etc etc) i still think
theyve overlooked something & i no best as i no somethings majorly wrong theyve overlooked and expect the worst to
happen. Even after years of this i still havnt got to grips with this problem where it takes over my life & i live my life arround
this problem to the extreme. which effects alot of where i go, what i do and how i feel.
I very rarely post about whats wrong as i tend to try and pretend its not a problem and am very good at to an outsider that i
dont have this problem but sometimes i feel like i just want to crack up becasue i just cant take it anymore, its bad enough
having the chest pains, tightness, depersonalisation & sudden panic onsets and now to get more symptons is fueling more
axiety wondering maybe something is wrong pysically and i think you all no the rest ! am i going to die, is there something
wrong with me etc etc etc ...
Not been one to talk about my anxiety or problems to many people but i must admit this site does give the level headness
and calming effect to my over imaginary thoughts of certain disasters when faced with these weird and frustrating pains.
Anxiety/panic does cause wierd and frightening side effects which can fuel the mind and create more effects, (viscous circle
syndrone) . It does make sense reading alot of others symptons and i,m concidering this new head problem is part of the
stress/anxiety process & something new i,ve got to deal with rather than jump to the worst senario thinking its critical.
I was concidering not taking the amitriptiline as i,m not a big tablet taker & tend to panic over side effects but i think i will at
least keep trying them to see if they do help, i was just abit worried on effects to other medication i am taking as i
currnently take thyroxine (125mg) daily as i have underactive thyroids & was worried incase of some sort of effects these might have together, i never asked doctor as i dont really speak much infront of my doctor or fully take onboard what he says (especialy with bad english) usually its appointment, in , out, back home asap lol....
thanks for all advice...