View Full Version : cold/sinus infection

05-03-09, 22:51
hey everyone, its been ages since ive been on here!!
I finished a course of CBT in aug 2007 and have been pretty much ok since then. Was very bad with health worries (every pain was something terminal and I was going to be allergic to everything I ate or touched) and other general horrible thoughts of disaster but apart from the odd wobble ive been fine....

however!!!! Ive still got a few things im still scared to do as a result of all my problems, the main thing is that Im still scared ill be allergic to antibiotics, My real problems started badly the last time when i had a very mild possible reaction to amoxycillin so I have a vague reason behind all this!! Everything else I can generally cope with and have faced at some point!
The big prblem is that this is my last big fear and its topping me going to see the dr about this cold / sinus infection ive had for two weeks! Its awful as Im in pain almost all the time particularly in my ears and teeth and am just not sure im going to have the option of refusing antibiotics like i usually do, but I cant face the whole fear of going and taking the first ones, esp as I always read the leaflets etc that go with them!!

Any ideas anyone?? :unsure: