View Full Version : coming clean, brace yourself

06-03-09, 05:28
so .. i feel like i should probably introduce myself instead of just continuing posting on threads randomly about finding anxious boyfriends and the fact that my feet have been weirdly buzzing since about a week ago. but luckily that whole situation's sort of stopping which is awesome. let's see, in no particular order..

1. i'm a listmaker, i love lists.. i always lose them tho so nothing ever gets done and i'm pretty disorganized, contrary to what most people might think. sometimes my boss will say 'krista you are so organized, it's mind boggling' and i'll think he's joking but he's completely serious and i have no idea what he's talking about. i'm a hot mess, mostly.

2. i have i'd say a moderate slash unhealthy dose of health anxiety. i've stumbled across this forum many a time in the past while googling 'why is my left hand shaking' .. 'eyeball hurts ow' etc etc and decided to finally join in on the fun and actually get proactive about working through this rather than pretending i'm fine and then watching grey's anatomy and having a meltdown about whatever disease they're showcasing that day. i don't watch grey's .. i'm just sayin ..

3. my anxiety is probably is more than just health stuff. i think i've always had GAD but kept it under control.. it was never really THAT bad. but then a health scare with my cousin sent me into a downward spiral (shameless nin reference) for absolutely no reason regarding health issues. now i just feel pretty anxious all around but am getting better slowly. i work out a lot which helps. sometimes i go to the gym for 2 hours just because i've run out of xanax and running maniacally with my ipod is the only thing that keeps me from tweaking.

4. i'm a writer slash editor for a magazine in new york, where i live on the upper west side with my 2 fish (fatty & prince, my other fish jacques cousteau recently passed, moment of silence pls) .. i'm extremely good at hiding my anxiety.. friends think it's more of a silly quirk rather than a debilitating piece of crap. i am used to poking fun at my 'hypochondria' because until i came across this site, i had no idea there was any validity to my concerns and anxiety.

5. let's see.. what else.. oh yes, i love everyone here. good times stumbling across all you lifesavers. i've been getting better and better managing my stuff, but it helps infinitely to have people to talk to and consult with and even offer my support to wherever possible, and i'm grateful to have found y'all. i definitely plan on sticking around here. if people keep me fed & watered of course..


Veronica H
06-03-09, 08:32
:welcome:Krista, glad that you found us and that you are planning on sticking around.


06-03-09, 08:45
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

06-03-09, 08:49
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice on here that will really help and also a good chatroom as well, take care xx

06-03-09, 22:42
thanks guys!

07-03-09, 21:45
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx