View Full Version : worried - again

26-07-05, 06:35
well here I am again - up all night worrying about everything. The main thing tonight is that I see myself passing the fears I have on to my daughter. She 14 and just like me - stubborn, opinionated, loud, sometimes a little too bossy:D but also wears her heart on her sleeve and very caring, loves to read,knows what she wants and won't let anyone talk her in to anything she doesn't want to do. She can be very sweet when she wants to be.
I just see her seeing me go through this panic and I don't want her to end up stuck in the neverending circle. You guys know what I mean. I want to go here or there but I don't cuz I'm afraid of having an attack. I want to get a better job but can't drive out of town. When I had her I promised myself I would raise her to be an independent strong woman but she sees by my example that I am dependent on other people and I let this "thing" rule my life.
How do I keep this from happening to her? How do I shield her from this? What can I say to make her understand that this is not where I want her to end up?
I want so much for her and I just know that if it ever happens that she starts having panic I'll never be able to forgive myself.
Here's hoping that she makes her own path and isn't afraid to follow it. Here's hoping she doesn't end up like me.

26-07-05, 15:42
hi Eeyore,

I don't have kids so am not too sure about this one. I guess one thing to do is to make sure that you hide the fact that you get anxious and scared from her. If she doesn't realise in the first place, then she will never ponder over it..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

26-07-05, 15:48

She wont end up like you, my 3 children grew up with me suffering bad anxiety and agoraphobia and the only way it effected them was by making them caring and supportive adults, they have always been there for me especially my daughter who takes me out and pushes me through my goals
She even learnt reiki to help me and is now a reiki master teacher.

So dont worry, I hope this helps a bit.

Barb xx

26-07-05, 17:42
Hi there,
you sound like you are doing a fantastic job!! I totally agree with Barb. I have four children ages..25, 23, 16 and 15, they are all average everyday people, no panics, no anxiety etc...the eldest two have partners and go on holls. whenever they can afford it, the youngest don't want to be seen with their parent at all!!!!!I have no way passed my anxiety onto them, i try to just carry on as usual most of the time, if i have a problem, i gently explain whats going on so they know exactly what's happening. My 23 year old son recently asked what my problem was (cos i couldn't stay in the shops) and i have suffered for 16 years on and off!!!!Things will be fine, try not to worry unnecessarily (easier said than done) xxxx

27-07-05, 21:56
Hi hun i totally appreciate your worries but i very much doubt this will happen and i have taken on board what you have said and the responses as i worry just like you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".