View Full Version : Constant urinal track infection

06-03-09, 08:13
Hello everyone!

A couple of months ago I had what I think it was a bladder infection, I couldn't leave the toilet and it was painful. The day after it was better, and then it just disappeared so I didn't go to the doctor. But from that day I kept having these cramps down there, and I think they come from my bladder or somewhere there. I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and he checked my urine and he said that I have an infection so he sent the sample to the lab so they could tell us what kind of infection (the results are not back yet). He then prescribed me antibiotics, but after the cure I'm still having the cramps.
Has any of you had the same experience? Infections that never go away? I'm quite concerned..
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

06-03-09, 08:30
Hi there,

How long has it been since you finished the anti bs? it may be that you need a different kind as different infections respond different to certain kinds. I would get yourself back to him plus just remember that sometimes things can just be awkward to clear up, remember to drink plenty of cranberry juice i find that helps to flush the system as well, im sure it will be fine , hope things start to get better soon xx

06-03-09, 08:41
Hi Kitty, thanx for ur reply.
I finished the antibiotics 3 days ago, it was a 5 days cure.
I'm going again next week and he's gonna give the lab's results and hopefully he will know how to cure it. I feel really uncomfortable and I'm worried that the infection my spread into my kidneys. I hope everything's gonna be ok.

06-03-09, 09:08
I'm sure it will be , he will prob just give you more anti b if its not completely cleared, let us know how you get on though , take care xx

06-03-09, 09:50
Hope your better soon hun, but like kittykat says one of the best remedies is drink plenty of cranberry juice and natural yogurt.
Take care and best of luck

06-03-09, 11:02
Hi there
I had something similar recently. Is it painful when you are actually going to the toilet? Where is the pain? Think going back to gp is best advice for you. Be specific with him about your symptoms. It might just be an infection that's taking a while to shift I guess but he may need to explore for something else I guess?

06-03-09, 11:49
Hi there
I had something similar recently. Is it painful when you are actually going to the toilet? Where is the pain? Think going back to gp is best advice for you. Be specific with him about your symptoms. It might just be an infection that's taking a while to shift I guess but he may need to explore for something else I guess?

No, I don't feel pain when I pee, I did though when the infection started a couple of months ago. Now I don't feel any pain, but when my bladder is full I'm really really really aware of it, and I need to empty it straight away. I don't know exactly where I feel the cramps, somewhere in my uterus. :weep:

I've been drinking lots and lots of water, and cranberry juice but the cramps are still there.

Do you have my same symptoms?

06-03-09, 15:52
Hi pfm
No my symptoms were not the same after all. I was told I had a uti but never had any pain when I peed which indicated that it was not one, so I was just checking that out. It sounds like maybe yours started off as a uti from what you said but I don't know much about these things at all. I think seeing your gp is a good idea at least because this is obviously worrying you. Sorry I couldn't be much help after all!
Hope you work it out soon.
Befuddled x

06-03-09, 16:41
Hi pfm
No my symptoms were not the same after all. I was told I had a uti but never had any pain when I peed which indicated that it was not one, so I was just checking that out. It sounds like maybe yours started off as a uti from what you said but I don't know much about these things at all. I think seeing your gp is a good idea at least because this is obviously worrying you. Sorry I couldn't be much help after all!
Hope you work it out soon.
Befuddled x

Thanx anyway:hugs: , I'll let you know what the doctor says.
Have a gorgeous evening!

11-03-09, 18:22
I've been to the doctor today, he told me that at the lab they didn't found any infection in my urine but then he checked another urine sample that I brought him and he said that there are white cells in it. It looked like an infection to him, so he sent another urine sample to the lab just in case they missed something.

I AM FREAKING OUT!!! I mean, I have an infection, I don't have an infection? What's going on??

Now my bum kind of hurts, and I thought 'maybe whatever I have in my urinal track spreaded into my backside!'
Gosh, I really don't know what to do!

The doctor's gonna call me in a week telling me if the results are still negative or if they found something this time. If they're negative I'll need to do a scan. I'm worried as hell!


11-03-09, 18:36
Let me reassure you by saying that many, many of my male and female clients (and myself) experienced this throughout their anxiety disorders!! It really is very common indeed. Charles

11-03-09, 18:40
What happened when you went back to the docs?

I have pain in my back right side where the kidney is, pain in my right front side, pain in my bladder area and like you said, feel it when I need to go, more than before. No pain on urination. Sharp pains in my right side. The dip stick tests keep finding blood in my wee but the one they sent away found nothing atall.

I had an xray for kidney stones but they didn't find any
I'm worried

11-03-09, 19:12
Let me reassure you by saying that many, many of my male and female clients (and myself) experienced this throughout their anxiety disorders!! It really is very common indeed. Charles

Thanks Charles

It really does reassure me:blush: , I hope it will go away eventually:yesyes:

11-03-09, 19:26
What happened when you went back to the docs?

I have pain in my back right side where the kidney is, pain in my right front side, pain in my bladder area and like you said, feel it when I need to go, more than before. No pain on urination. Sharp pains in my right side. The dip stick tests keep finding blood in my wee but the one they sent away found nothing atall.

I had an xray for kidney stones but they didn't find any
I'm worried

My pain is in my pubic area (and my bum now!:ohmy: ), the doctor sent another sample to the lab because he found the infection on the stick, like you. He said he found white cells in my urine, that means that something is going on. So why are the people from the lab not finding anything? Weird... I would advice u to ask ur doctor to have a scan done. If my urine sample results are still negative I'll have to have a scan too. But at least we're gonna feel less anxious then:winks: .

13-03-09, 10:59
I have had constant water infections for the last 30 years and had bladder scans, kidney x rays etc, but they can find nothing actually wrong with my bladder or kidneys, so I just have to be aware of how I feel and if I think I have an infection then it gets treated by antibiotics. Last year I had an infection that was stubborn so they bombarded me with antibiotics for 2 months and then I was clear of infection for a couple of months. I have just learned to put up with it and there are lots of people like me that get the infections continuously. It will probably be that once they have got the right antibiotic to treat your infection it will cure it and you will probably not get another infection. Please don't worry about it too much, you are doing all the right things by going back to the doctor and getting the correct treatment. Good luck, let us know how you get on:yesyes:

13-03-09, 11:39
I have had constant water infections for the last 30 years and had bladder scans, kidney x rays etc, but they can find nothing actually wrong with my bladder or kidneys, so I just have to be aware of how I feel and if I think I have an infection then it gets treated by antibiotics. Last year I had an infection that was stubborn so they bombarded me with antibiotics for 2 months and then I was clear of infection for a couple of months. I have just learned to put up with it and there are lots of people like me that get the infections continuously. It will probably be that once they have got the right antibiotic to treat your infection it will cure it and you will probably not get another infection. Please don't worry about it too much, you are doing all the right things by going back to the doctor and getting the correct treatment. Good luck, let us know how you get on:yesyes:

:hugs: Thank'you very much for your reply! I'll try not to worry, It could just be a really stubborn infection as you said.
I always think is something terrible, and I should really stop.
You gave me reassurance, thanx!:bighug1:

18-03-09, 20:03
I just wanted to say that I just received a letter saying to make an appointment to go to this private clinic very far away from London, for diagnostic investigations...:scared15:

My doctor a week ago told me that he sent the urine sample to the lab again and if the results were still negative he would have sent me to a clinic to do some pelvic and vaginal scans. Do you think the letter that I just received is just for make an appointment for the scans?

If it is, why do they say 'Diagnostic investigations'? It really worries me...
Please if anyone is confused about this last message, go back to read from my first thread.

18-03-09, 20:06
Yes, I am sure it is for the scans, that is what they will mean by diagnostics. I have been back to the docs and am waiting for an appointment for an ultrasound of the abdomen. I asked whether my pain could be ovary pain and the doc says no, which I don't understand :(

18-03-09, 20:41
Yes, I am sure it is for the scans, that is what they will mean by diagnostics. I have been back to the docs and am waiting for an appointment for an ultrasound of the abdomen. I asked whether my pain could be ovary pain and the doc says no, which I don't understand :(

thanx Fairy! I think I will calm down now that I know it's nothing to worry about.:yesyes: