View Full Version : Just How Do We Do It

06-03-09, 09:44
Honestly every single day is like a battle

If it is not panic then anxiety or if i get really lucky both but yet I always seem to get to work / do what I am supposed to and then just collapse feeling so drained I could melt

Although I am proud for getting there and doing surely to GOD it must get a little easier - if adversity breeds backbone then I should be about 10 foot tall

Does anyone else just sit there and wonder ?


06-03-09, 09:51
I sit and wonder ALL day!

But you're right - you make it to work every-single-day, that is an achievement in itself! I would be happy to make it to the end of my path...

06-03-09, 09:59
I am sorry I did not mean my thread to make any fun of those who can not
Please accept my apologies if i have upset you because that was my last intention

just wanted to get it off my chest / back / head etc


06-03-09, 10:08
I wonder alot about what is happening to me. I too feel that it is a bttle every day right now.

06-03-09, 13:08
I feel the same, but be proud at least you got to work.


06-03-09, 19:57

To be honest the very fact that some of us can get through it all is a massive comfort for me.
Even at my peaks of anxiety and panic I still survive !
I may feel like poo but I am still alive and in one piece ready to fight another day.
And thats it for me. Its a fight that I am not going to lose. Its going to be tough and not very pleasant, but I will win in the end :)

Keep up the fight people !!
