View Full Version : Pains in my upper abdomen for days....help me

06-03-09, 10:52
I feel so worried at the moment and can't get an appointment at the doctors:weep: . I have had this pain in my upper abdomen and upper back for 3 days now. It feels like trapped wind. I have had this many times before but it only usually lasts for a few hours not days and taking indegestion tablets usually stops it. I can't understand why it's not going away, it's even painful during the night. It's hard to explain the pain, it's more of a discomfort really. I'm now really worrying that it's cancer and I feel so down in the dumps. I have suffered from IBS for many years but I've looked up on the internet and this doesn't seem to be connected to that condition.

Has anyone else ever suffered from this for days and nights on end, your reassurance would be so much appreciated.

06-03-09, 17:05
Hi Vinny

I was told i had IBS for two years, but it turned out to be gallstones, my pain was on my right handside, just under my rib, and went around my back to my shoulder blade, it felt like a constant ache, with trapped wind, Gallstones are nothing to worry about, but they can get bigger, and get more painful, I was really glad to get it out, because nothing worked to get rid of the pain, most people get it on and off, but i had the ache all the time, and was made worse by eating certain things like dairy products, i'm not saying thats what you've got, but its just a thought, hope your feeling better soon x x