View Full Version : Really freaking out, please help...

06-03-09, 11:28
So I pulled something in my back and apparently got the novo virus last week. I have been to the docs, they told me everything I am feeling is normal but I am still frightened and just need some reassurance off here.

Essentially I my neck and left shoulder hurt with occasional stabbing pain. This however has spread up to the side of my face and feels like it is in my ear. I feel really lightheaded and woozy, have for days, and even when i focus my breathing i cant chill it out. Only time i seem ok is lying down but i have had to come to work today so have to sit up looking at a computer screen.

I am going out for my birthday tonight, people are coming from all over and I am just so scared of freaking out when I am out with them. I know I have hours to calm down but as I have been feeling like this for a week i cannot see it happening...

Any advice?

06-03-09, 12:56
I feel for you

06-03-09, 12:58
yikes if you have a vommitting bug, you probally dont want to be around people they will all get it !!

It can last up to 2 weeks, and your tummy will be sore after its gone!

Drink lots of water.

06-03-09, 12:59
Hi I feel for you, try Kalms, I did and they helped me for a bit. The key is to talk to people and let them know how you feel. Tell them what to do if you feel freaked out tonight. They will look after you. As long as you know someone is aware of what you are feeling, it may help. Good luck, let me know how you go on.
