View Full Version : The floor is rocking?? Normal??

06-03-09, 11:45
Hello everyone, i hope you can calm me down a bit here.

I just been out having lunch with a friend. I have had bad anxiety for some days now and during the dinner i felt i got an adrenal rush and almost got a bad panic attack.

When i was leaving the table i felt like the floor was rocking, almost like i was onboard on a boat.
It felt strange to walk and the floor felt soft, like rubber.
I felt unsteady and quit dizzy and had depersonalisation. (Only water to drink:shrug: )

This scared me but i managed to fix it anyway.

Have you felt like this?

Can someone reassure me this is normal anxiety feelings.

/ Daniel

06-03-09, 12:26
Hi - yes let me give you reassurance that that is quite a normal reaction to adrenaline rush. It feels horrible when it happens I know, I find the best thing to do when it happens s go to the ladies, have a wee(normally stinks) and then run my hands under cool water which contracts the blood vessels and shuts the boost off. Drink plenty afterwards. But hey your are normal!

06-03-09, 13:07
this symptom is so so so so common, and so so so so so scarey it can go on for weeks walking around and sometimes if feels like the ground drops, or is moving or your walking on a boat there are 1000's of posts on this site about the same symptom

its very hard to make yourself beleive its the anxiety, and you can go focusing on other symptoms if you think its something else :( its a horrible loop

Heres just one post on it, but if you do a search you will find many


I have had this since november.. on and off horrible stuff, i had anxiety 5 years on and off and this is the first time it came

06-03-09, 14:15
Ok, so its normal feeling then, it feels awful everything around me felt unreal and just so strange. My body alos felt strange.

/ Daniel

06-03-09, 16:28
I used to get it alot Dazo, especially in Supermarkets or the pub (before drinking I mean).

I did read somewhere it is the rush of information into the sensitised mind that causes the unpleasant but non dangerous sensation.

But don't worry, it's just another symptom of anxiety.


06-03-09, 16:36
Hi Dazo

Yes I get this too, it's not pleasant but as Jaco said it is just another anxiety symptom.


07-03-09, 19:17
It happens to me when I get into bed, I feel like I'm on a ship or that the bed is moving around.... it's very surreal and not too pleasant. I just try to remind myself it's a symptom and try to ignore it.

09-03-09, 06:41
WOW GUYS i have been having the same thing, with earth feeling like its moving also when i lie down and stand up. I use to get a tilting feeling as well.

It really sucks


09-03-09, 16:21
I feel the exact same thing on/off for the past 5 years and its really uncomfortable when it kicks in! it feels like im going off balance and im about to fall! i hate it sooo much! but sometimes it dissapears and then out of the blue after a while it will return?!?! i think its something to do with adrenaline rushes that your body goes through due to high anxiety or social pressure? All i can say to you my friend is that its common, so so common and your not alone in ure fight against it!, just try and put it to the back of ure mind.

10-07-10, 00:39
Could that be similar to the floor moving, like shifting under your feet?

That happened to me back when I worked at Homesense, well no great surprise switching me from 16 hour week to 38 or 40. I guess working my butt of got me nowhere, just back to the stupid Jobcentre. Oh Well!!!

There again I did have a strange dream-like situation where I was in my own bed, but I thought I was in the display bed at work and the lights were off and I think I called out and no-one responded. I kinda freaky out as I thought I was trapped at work and no-one knew I was there. It was horrible, along with the way managament treated me. On the up-side some of the other "employees" their weren't that bright when it can to realising that people can your conversation through the goods lift, lmao. The things I heard them bitch and moan about, kinda entertaining, an insight on how fake and plastic they all are.

10-08-10, 17:20
I read somewhere that the vestibular system(source of balance) is highly affected by Anxiety. I forget the wording but to some degree they are linked. I also believe that some of us are suffering from long lasting ear infections. The other day I used a neti pot to clear my sinuses. When i blew my nose(gently) I heard a clicking noise in my right ear. That is a sign of infection or an ear disturbance

By the way, my rocking and floor moving sensations began 9 months ago. My Dr informed me that my Eustachian tube was clogged. I was prescribed Antivert. He also told me to expect the vertigo to come back over the next few months

11-08-10, 09:57
Hi dazo,
I've had this quite a lot over the last 5 years- whether it's normal or not I have no idea but unfortunately it happens. You certainly aren't alone x