View Full Version : The "girl" who cried wolf

06-03-09, 12:23
Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf? Thats what i feel like. I've had SO many aches and pains and problems that no matter what kind of problem i'm having now no one believes me, they don't even act like they care anymore:weep: My hubby just left for work and i told him before he left that i was having some bad pain, he barely responded, all he said was "Oh,,,,, see ya after work". How do i deal with this, everyone in my family is like this now, the dr's too:weep: My husband says he'll Know when somethings REALLY wrong and when i ask him "how?" he just says don't worry i'll just know, i know thats just to try to make me feel better about the whole thing but it doesn't cuz i know he won't know, no one will just know, i'm gonna hafta be almost dead or dead for them to know that something was wrong but by the time they find out it'll be too late. I know alot of you suggest to go to the doc and i appreciate that but when you have SO many symptoms how do you go in there and start telling them about all the symptoms you have and all the symptoms that you've had in the past (you don't wanna forget past symptoms cuz we know they'll always come back), how do you get a doc to take you seriously? How do you get anyone to take you seriously? I've went to the dr, she did some tests but not a full workup, I wanted her to check my heart and everything to make sure i'm ok but how do you get a dr to do that? I don't know about other countries but here in the US the healthcare system sucks and the dr's wont go above and beyond, they'll just do barely what it takes to get by. I guess this post is more of a rant than anything else,,,,i woke up with pain in my upper abs and still have the dizziness that i've had for 3 months so i started panicing, then it made it worse when my hubby didn't care, i guess i just needed to "talk":weep: but most of this stuff is probably boring to read so i'll stop now and If you've actually finished reading all this jibberish, thanks, your sweet:hugs:

06-03-09, 12:53
Hi there,youre not alone,my partner barely acknowledges anything i say about my health and once during a row he actually called me a hypochondriac!(he did apologise for that)I guess i can be to a certain extent as i do worry about my health a lot but i find that no matter what is wrong with me all im told by him and my children is 'go to the doctor' I do just that and the doc takes one look at my notes and puts everything down to anxiety!:shrug:

06-03-09, 12:59
Hi there,youre not alone,my partner barely acknowledges anything i say about my health and once during a row he actually called me a hypochondriac!(he did apologise for that)I guess i can be to a certain extent as i do worry about my health a lot but i find that no matter what is wrong with me all im told by him and my children is 'go to the doctor' I do just that and the doc takes one look at my notes and puts everything down to anxiety!:shrug:

So sorry,,,i can totally relate, my hubby calls me a hypochondriac but he doesn't appologize cuz its true in my case:wacko: he never tells me to go to the dr though cuz he's sure its anxiety and he doesn't wanna pay out that extra money for "nothing" as he would say

06-03-09, 13:14
Luckily we dont have to pay for our medical care in the UK but i still dont bother going to the docs much as they make me feel like im wasting their time.What a lot of people dont seem to realise is that no matter how much you try not to worry about this ache or pain etc the symptoms are very real & extremely worrying:unsure: .A little reassurance helps tremendously.

06-03-09, 13:31
I'm sure lots of us can empathise with you and it's good to have a rant about things as it can make you feel better.

My ex husband used to get really fed up of me always worrying about my health. Every morning he would say to me "okay what's up with you today" and it really would get me down as I felt that if he wouldn't take me seriously then no one else would.

My partner that I have now is great though, he always listens to the things I worry about and is very supportive. However it hasn't stopped me worrying about things because I guess at the end of the day we need to find the reassurance within ourselves.

I do think though that if you ever get something that is really a genuine illness that it will be picked up. I had what I thought was a stomach bug last Summer and even my partner thought it was just that. However it turned out to be appendicitis and my GP was totally on the ball and diagnosed me within minutes, so please don't worry too much about a genuine illness being overlooked.