View Full Version : Citalopram & Alcohol...

06-03-09, 13:50
Hi,ive been on Citalopram for 3 days now...i take 1 Citalopram 20mg in the mornings,and tonight im going to a party with some friends and will end up getting drunk(and when i say drunk i mean about 8 cans of Fosters (Larger) ),i always drink Fosters (Larger),is it safe to drink alcohol while i take these,have any of you tried it or had experience with it?


09-03-09, 12:55
i was in doubt too

I just drink as normal now with them.

If I feel crap the next day so be it

15-03-09, 18:58
Hi I drink every weekend on it. Feel extra rough the day after, but no reall bad reactions.

15-03-09, 19:11
It makes you feel worse the next day and alcohol apparently stops it working so well, but I still drank on it, and eventualy it just stopped working for me.
To be fair though I used to drink a hell of alot more than most people, and alot more than 8 fosters.
If you are really worried or notice a change in how your feeling talking to your GP might be best, there are other drugs that dont react so badly with alcohol
Take care

17-03-09, 21:20
My doctor told me not to drink while taking Citalopram, and to be honest as I was very aware I was drinking too much it was good to give it up. I had a glass of champagne at New Year and was like a zombie the following day. Take care.

15-04-09, 16:13
Hi there,

I'm on week eight of 10mg Cital.

I have not drank any alcohol since starting my course, until Saturday.

I had THREE bottles of Budwieser 5 days ago, and I feel worse than I have felt in a very long time.

I will not be touching alcohol until I am finished taking citalopram.

I was almost in tears today :weep:

15-04-09, 17:56
It certainly undercuts some of the good feeling, but in moderation, I'm ok with a couple of glasses of wine.


15-04-09, 18:05
After the time I had getting on to citalopram, nothing on Earth would convince me to drink any alcohol until a month after I have finished my course of medication! I bet it would make me feel shocking!

That said, citalopram does not seem to be regarded as reactive so you should be safe, you just might feel rather unpleasant!

15-04-09, 18:07
I had a couple of Baileys a couple of weeks ago when I had a mini crisis, and I am taking Cit, and it really made me feel sicky and yukky. I used to love Baileys too. I cant drink anymore - it affects my anxiety a lot the following couple of days after.

15-04-09, 18:24
I used to drink my normal amounts when I first started, which was quite a lot and I wouldn't recommend it. If you drink too frequently it just negates the effect of citalopram and can give you increased highs and lows. I still have the odd night out because I like to, the hangovers the next day have a strange feeling to them, kind of like you're away with the fairies and I tend to feel very very ill - (ovbiously partly to do with the alcohol :) ) but more so than usual.

As long as you're aware and prepared for how you may feel (it may not change for you, everyone reacts differently) then it should be fine. Just don't drink lots and often..!!! and as they say... 'all in moderation' ;)

17-05-09, 12:54
Citalopram and alcohol put me in a state Iīve never been before. Dizzy, losing balance and "brain dead", looking and feeling terribly drunk. Can only sleep for a few hours and wake up with the worst hangovers of my life. And then the guilt comes and makes me feel more depressed...
I stopped drinking now and for all - I donīt recomend more than 1 glass of wine or 1 pint of lager. Or better, no alcohol at all, it will probably help you to feel better not drinking and making some heatlhier changes in your life - medication does not do miracles, it just helps you to keep going, but the change has to come from within..
all the best

17-05-09, 13:42
Hi I have been taking citalopram 40mg for 3 months I have been drinking on them I do agree it makes u feel 100% worse the next day, but every thing in moderation and you will be fine.

18-05-09, 21:28
I did not drink at all for the first 3 weeks of taking this medication and the first time I did drink I felt awful but recently have found that I am fine after drinking (well no worse than usual!) I know you should not drink on them but personnally I like to socialise with my friends and knew that I would not be able to not drink for months on end. I felt that the enjoyment I got out weighed the negatives. I would advice not drink to often though and really monitoring what you drink at first because everybody can react differently. Probably should not say this but I like the effect of drinking on these tablets, not sure if its because my mood is better but im defo having more fun. I would make sure though that the people you are with know that you are taking these tablets and that you feel safe with them and are in a safe enviroment. Hope this helps

19-05-09, 00:59
[quote=donkaz;466412]Hi,ive been on Citalopram for 3 days now...i take 1 Citalopram 20mg in the mornings,and tonight im going to a party with some friends and will end up getting drunk(and when i say drunk i mean about 8 cans of Fosters (Larger) ),i always drink Fosters (Larger),is it safe to drink alcohol while i take these,have any of you tried it or had experience with it?


I found that citalopram gave me an intolerance to alcohol and I could only drink small amounts compared to the much larger qauntities I could handle before being on the pills. It also made me feel very rough the next day.I have now been off Citalopram for 11 days and had a few drinks last weekend and found I can now tolerate twice as much.But still not quite as much as before I started on Citalopram. I beleive this will improve over the next few weeks.