View Full Version : hey there

06-03-09, 16:44
Hi everyone my name is emma and i am new to this site but unfortunately not new to depression/anxiety.

I had a bad dose of anxiety in 2007 brought about the work pressures I was under but I managed to get graded back to work (into a new area). My confidence grew and grew and I was able to to quit my job and go travelling. I felt so happy and invincible. However since ive come back home in OCT 2008 my anxiety has returned as well as my depression.

I would really like a job so I could save up money to go travelling again but when i think about returning to work I feel really panicky and tearful. I also find it difficult now to go new places or do new things as I keep getting visions of me really panicing and bursting into tears. Its really embarassing being so emotional in front of strangers sometimes. Im just so disappointed that my symptoms have come back and I think this has further fuelled my depression. I just want to be that confident person again who could go travelling.

Well the one good thing is that from reading some of the threads i realise im not alone and look forward to getting to know some of you better.

Bye for now

06-03-09, 18:50
Hi there Emma

:welcome: to the site, alot of good advice on here, it really helps, also there is a great chatroom as well, take care xx

07-03-09, 19:51
Hi and welcome to N.M.P.:welcome: youll get lots of help and support here .Hope you fee l better soon.luv sue:hugs:

07-03-09, 21:41
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

10-03-09, 14:45
Hi Emma, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers: