View Full Version : Hello!

06-03-09, 19:13
Hi, my name is Leanne, Pleased to meet you all :hugs:

I suffer from anxiety, agoraphobia, panic attacks and depression. I sound like a right cheery old soul don't I? lol

I hope I can help others here as a direct result of my own experience :)

Looking forward to getting to know you all soon,

Leanne :hug:

07-03-09, 19:41
Hi Leanne! and Welcome to N.M.P.:welcome: you will find lots of help and support here . Luv sue:hugs:

07-03-09, 19:55
Hi Leanne and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice on here, take care xx

07-03-09, 21:40
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

10-03-09, 14:50
Hi Leanne, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

04-04-09, 00:42
Thanks for the welcome everybody :hug:

04-04-09, 01:23
Hi and welcome :)


04-04-09, 16:59
Hi Leanne,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will be able to relate how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


20-07-09, 00:33
Hi i'm Lindsay. Had first panic attack two weeks ago and
new to all this just registered but have to go to
bed now so will log on proper tomorrow.
Lookin forward to tackling things with some
support. Goodnight.

27-07-10, 22:13
Hi there everyone, fellow suffers of panic attacks and high anxiety attacks. I had been phobia free for a number of years, then due to circumstances in my life they started to return. I have to refresh my memory as to what these nervous illnesses really are to help save myself from this immobilizing disorder. I hope to meet many of you with good ideas and suggestions to help me along my journey back to peace of mind and serenity.

28-07-10, 02:02
Hi everyone!
I am Nicole :x. I am from USA. I am a new member of forum.
Happy to get acquainted with you. Thanks!

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23-03-17, 19:30
Hey there everyone>
My name is Hattie and I am concerned with a possibility of having
It all started with having a type of Vertigo in the morning when I got
out of bed. It felt like the room was spinning. Once I got up, it seemed
to subside. Lying down I had the same sensation. This went on for about
1 week. Then I started having pain in my rt jaw thinking it was my Mandibular Joints (TMJ) Then the pain spread into my ear, temple, up
the side of my head, down behind my ear, into my neck and shoulder.
The side of my head became sensitive to touch. Bottomline, I thought I was having a stroke. My blood pressure was elevated about 150/105.
Even with my BP meds, which are low dose, it just didn't want to go down to normal. Normally when I am active, my BP is usually quite normal
with low dose meds. Went to doctor, sent me for bloodwork and ESR. All came back as normal except for ESR being elevated. The doctor then mentioned
TEMPORAL ARTERITIS, and said he might book me for a Biopsy on the main vessel in my head, to check for inflammation. Also stressed the severity and
possible outcome if this wasn't checked out right away. Possible loss of sight, stroke, etc etc and that I would probably have to go on high doses
of Prednisone or Prednisolone for up to two years. I went ahead and had my TMJ's checked, then went to my chiropractor to see if my neck was out
causing the pain in my head...basically trying to prove the doc was wrong.
The chiropractor said that the vessels on the right side of my head were a bit enlarged, or dilated and felt my doctor could be right. I wish I could cut
this short but everything keeps pouring out. My doctor gave me a requisition to retest my ESR and also do the CRP. next week, which he said will tell
the story. I know now there is something else wrong and my symptoms have gotten worse, my head feels like it is going to explode with sensitivity
around my head, ear etc. I have read that they usually start you right away on high doses of steroids (Prednisone or Prednisolone) to avoid serious
life threatening complications firstly being apparently loss of sight in one eye. possible stroke, aneurism, the list being bloody long. Can't believe I have
never heard of this before.

I happened to have some Prednisone in the house, so last night with all my symptoms being so acute, I ended up taking a small dose of Prednisone like
25 mg, and within a few hours some of my symptoms seemed a little better. I also took Ranitidine 150 mg. which I also had in the house from a few
years ago, still not expired..Took this to protect my stomach from side effects of the Pred.
When I woke this morning I didn't feel too bad, so I took another 25 mg. of Pred. and another Ranitidine, which has really pissed my doctor off, because
he wanted me to have the ESR repeated, and CRP done next week. Of course, with me taking voluntarily some Prednisone, those tests will not be accurate.
But I have decided right or wrong, that I cannot stand the pain and sensation on the right side of my head for another week, and have the worry of my eye
sight suddenly getting worse while I wait for this test. If anything in my mind it might partially be good to try and rid of some of that inflammation even if
what I am taking is a very low dose. Trying to make my self comfortable for 5 to 7 days if this works for now, then I will taper off for a week or so, and go
in the blood tests the doc wants. I just have to do something, now!!!!
The thought of having an intrusive biopsy done in the main artery of my head (temple area) freaks me out. They check the blood they take to see if there
is inflammation in that artery. With what I have read, most of these biopsies come back Negative anyways, and they can also have some serious side-effects
like paralysis in the face, hematoma forming, bleeding, infection at the incision site. So, no thanks to that right now or maybe forever. I want to research
the hell out of this, hopefully if my health stays ok.

Again the bottom line is there is inflammation somewhere in my body that is causing this, being non specific, this biopsy still won't tell them where it is.
This whole thing is life threatening. But at this point there is no way in hell I am going to have an incision in my head. They can do a PET Scan, MRI, Doppler
or anything else. So for the time being I am hoping that the Prednisone I am taking will give me a little comfort until I find out what to do.
Sorry this was so long, but it could have been a lot longer with such frustration. lol
Any other ideas out there with people having similar side effects would be greatly appreciated.:) And PLEASE DO NOT DO what I did by self medicating with
Prednisone..I do know that it will help with inflammation, maybe not much at this low dose, and also do realize it is a very dangerous drug with bad side-effects
after taking it for any length of time. I had to get some relief instead of sitting here and worrying in discomfort, or driving my car with my head pounding along
with the fear of my eyes being affected which is usually one of the first symptoms. That is why they give large doses of Pred to stop that damage being done.
For now I am going to try and do some light exercise keeping the blood flowing etc. because Temporal Arteritis affects the oxygen supply throughout the body.
Sometimes these symptoms with inflammation are precursors to other auto immune diseases, RA, Lupus and the list goes on.

---------- Post added at 13:30 ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 ----------

:)Hi to Everyone:

I am in Canada, and have the Symptoms
of Temporal Arteritis. Would like to converse with
others. Pretty scary diagnosis, if that is what it is.
Happy I found this site.

Test to come.

God Speed.