View Full Version : Hiya

06-03-09, 19:20
Hiya im a newbie in 21 years old and have been suffering with anxiety since i lost my baby 2 years ago. My GP and a very close friend of mine ross who is also on the site told me about this site and am hoping 2 meet new people xxx

i hate panicking
06-03-09, 20:08
:welcome:Natalie2009 sorry to hear about your loss:weep: you will get lots of support here.

take care x

06-03-09, 20:13
thats what im hoping for have tried a number of things and it doesnt help i am so low at the moment xx

i hate panicking
06-03-09, 20:16
Awww...natalie it will help it has with me:D

If you need to talk pm me if you like:bighug1:

06-03-09, 20:18
Hello Natalie!
Welcome to the site. I am new here too. Hopefully you will find a lot of support here. I am sorry to hear of your loss. It must be very tough for you and not surprisingly you are suffering with anxiety and feel down. I think anyone would be considering what you have been through. Hopefully you will find the site a big help to you in many ways.

07-03-09, 19:51
Hi there Natalie,

:welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice here, i just want to say sorry for your loss it must be so hard to lose a child, you'll never forget but hopefully this site will help you cope with the feelings a bit better , you take care now xx

07-03-09, 21:44
Hi and welcome to NMP

So sorry to hear about the sad loss of your baby.

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx