View Full Version : I can relate!

06-03-09, 20:26
Hello all, my name is Krista I'm 28 and recently married. A month after my wedding, my husband was DXed with a brain tumor.....well long story short, I have been a complete mess.
I have had panic attacks since I was 15, they were so bad I'd shake, I was convinced I had the good Ol' brain tumor. I found out brain tumors are rarely found out by headaches, my hubby had a seizure and had no headaches before.
Anywho, since the tumor DX my HA has gotten out of control! Everyday I have something wrong with me, colon cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, melanoma.....my newest worry.
My GP had given my kolonopin, it helped soooo much, I would take one everyday, I am also on a anti-depressant and need sleeping pills. I had a full physical done, blood test, chest xray, pap, everything came out fine. I even had the doc look at my mole, he said it was fine, I don't believe him, funnily I think people with HA find that all to common.
I call my mom with my health concerns and she get sooo mad! She is tired of my "drama" and says "Mark is dealing with real cancer, get over yourself" she is right, but I fully believe this is a mental thing.
Even knowing it is all in my mind doesn't stop me from checking my boobs, my moles 10-20 times a day and freaking out, then googling pictures of normal moles/maglignat moles and comparing mine to the pics.
since my husband is out of work do to his brain cancer, I have no insurance, and when I did, I was at the doctors 3 times a month with my phobias.
I am on my last sleeping pill and my kolonopins are gone. I am having really bad panic attacks, the kind I used to have......
If anyone tells you that HA is not a serious issuse and to just get over it, tell them to go screw!

07-03-09, 19:56
Hi and welcome to nmp.Im sorry to hear about your husband.You will get lots of help and support here ,hope things improve for you both soon . luv sue:welcome: :bighug1:

07-03-09, 21:39
Hi and welcome to NMP

So sorry to hear about your husband and things are not great for you at the moment.

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx