View Full Version : Diabetes, bulging disc or just Anxiety? HELP

06-03-09, 21:39
I am a long time sufferer of HA. I am a 37 yr old male of average weight. For the last few weeks things have pretty good regarding my anxiety level, until a couple of days ago. I have been having recurring pain, coldness or hot fingers and toes. It is not all of them at once or all the time. I have not been diagnosed with diabetes but my brain is convinced that I have a problem since some of these problems have been around longer but never this intense. I am "sure" that I have diabetes. I have read that these symptoms could be caused by neck and back problems too. I sit in front of a computer all day and I know I have poor posture. I often have a stiff neck back but no real pain there.

I made the mistake of going out to buy a blood glucose meter and tried it several times and got readings all over the place. Some good some bad, but since I could not even get the control solution to give a reading within the correct range I think I am doing something wrong with it. Anyway, if anyone with knowledge of diabetes or back/neck problems can give me an idea of what is going on that would be great. Thanks

06-03-09, 22:36
Re blood glucose machines - don't try taking your levles unless you have got a control reading within the nonral range. Either you have a faulty machine or you are not doing it properly - is your anxiety stopping you reading the instructions properly??? They are generally easy to use.

You should only take your blood glucose levels first thing in the morning before you eat or drink after your nightime fast, this will tell you if you are diabetic or not. Here in the uK we have different measuring system to you so no use me telling you ours but again your instruction book should tell you.

Make sure you wash your hands before doing a test and don't take too long to get your blood sample onto the test strip.

I have damaged spine and get all sorts of pain, sensations coming from it. apart from various pain from stabbing to aching I get crawling, tingling, pulling sensations, itching, hot cold sharp sensations as well.

so your feelings could well be from minor spinal issues such as tense muscles etc